92. Indian Rufous Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus rouxii French: Rhinolophe de Roux / German: Rotbraune Indien-Hufeisennase / Spanish: Herradura de Roux Other common names: Rufous Horseshoe Bat Taxonomy. Rhinolophus rouxii Temminck, 1835, “ continent de 1’ India... Pondichéry [= Puducherry] et à Calcutta.” Rhinolophus rouxii is sister to a clade that includes R.sinicus and R. thomasi; all these species belong to the rouxii species group. The rouxii group may be close to the euryotis species group, but more detailed studies are needed to clarify its relationships with congeners. A sympatrically distributed form from the southern Western Ghats of India, with a higher (c.92 kHz) echolocation frequency, was recently named “ R indorou...