Hedge Fund Strategies and Asset-based Style Factors Traditional factor models are unsatisfactory for explaining hedge-fund returns because hedge funds act in accordance with dynamic trading strategies and because the returns they produce correlate poorly with those of traditional asset classes. But hedge funds do not at all generate returns, high in absolute terms, without systematic risks being accepted in this regard. They show strong systematic risks that are strategy-specific in nature, however. For this reason, a precise (qualitative) analysis of the strategies applied by hedge funds is necessary in order to identify the type of such systematic risks. Asset-based Style (ABS-)factor models can be used for making a subsequent quanti...
This thesis aims to open the Pandora’s Box of hedge fund styles through an index-based style analysi...
This paper develops a dynamic approach for assessing hedge fund risk exposures. First, we focus on a...
The purpose of the thesis has been to explore the use of hedge fund styles when constructing portfol...
Hedge Fund Strategies and Asset-based Style Factors Traditional factor models are unsatisfactor...
Where do Distressed Securities Hedge Funds Invest? An Asset-based Style Factor ModelThis article ana...
We suggest an empirical model to analyze the investment style of individual hedge funds and funds of...
The work covers a variety of aspects, with the four main chapters combining qualitative and quantita...
We select the top four hedge fund strategies as desirable ones based on the Prospect Ratio in this p...
The use of asset-based style analysis (ABS) in the context of hedge fund investments continues to ta...
The purpose of the thesis has been to explore the use of hedge fund styles when constructing portfol...
In this paper, we provide a rationale for how hedge funds are organized and some insight on how hedg...
_______________________________________________________________________ We study hedge fund performa...
Risks of Hedge Funds: Approaches to Research and Conclusions of Current Capital Market ResearchThis ...
The goal of this Master's Thesis is to analyze the specific characteristics of the hedge funds with ...
The goal of modelling is to find one or more factors that offer the best explanatory power for a giv...
This thesis aims to open the Pandora’s Box of hedge fund styles through an index-based style analysi...
This paper develops a dynamic approach for assessing hedge fund risk exposures. First, we focus on a...
The purpose of the thesis has been to explore the use of hedge fund styles when constructing portfol...
Hedge Fund Strategies and Asset-based Style Factors Traditional factor models are unsatisfactor...
Where do Distressed Securities Hedge Funds Invest? An Asset-based Style Factor ModelThis article ana...
We suggest an empirical model to analyze the investment style of individual hedge funds and funds of...
The work covers a variety of aspects, with the four main chapters combining qualitative and quantita...
We select the top four hedge fund strategies as desirable ones based on the Prospect Ratio in this p...
The use of asset-based style analysis (ABS) in the context of hedge fund investments continues to ta...
The purpose of the thesis has been to explore the use of hedge fund styles when constructing portfol...
In this paper, we provide a rationale for how hedge funds are organized and some insight on how hedg...
_______________________________________________________________________ We study hedge fund performa...
Risks of Hedge Funds: Approaches to Research and Conclusions of Current Capital Market ResearchThis ...
The goal of this Master's Thesis is to analyze the specific characteristics of the hedge funds with ...
The goal of modelling is to find one or more factors that offer the best explanatory power for a giv...
This thesis aims to open the Pandora’s Box of hedge fund styles through an index-based style analysi...
This paper develops a dynamic approach for assessing hedge fund risk exposures. First, we focus on a...
The purpose of the thesis has been to explore the use of hedge fund styles when constructing portfol...