Laborantxaren aldakete eta aintzinamenduak Iparraldean. Iparraldeko lurraren emaitza lehena da belarra. Emaitza horren gatik eta ohidux-ak badirelakotz, eremu guziak hazkuntzari buruz baliatuak dira xuscenski edo artoarem bitartez. Arto laborantxa biltzen da ipar eki aldean. Hori erabiltzen da azinden janaritzat eta hazitako. Bertzetan, eremu gehienak pentzeak dira. Hori, ardi esnadun hazkuntza aberats (artaldea doblatu da hogoi urtez) eta behi hazkuntzari briruz. Behia, haragi emaitzarenzat hazten delarik. Aberriaren araberan, jendearen jocritea bi aldiz hemekiago egiten da. Bi arrazoin gertakari horrentzat : ardi esnearen merkatu ona eta euskaldun jendeak ekartzen dion atxikimendua bere lurrari. Jende hauen bizi nahiak eta larreen labakit...
The everchanging rural landscapes show that agriculture gave way to other activitis. Three new types...
A new agriculture in the Landes de Gascogne. Peasant families of the haute Lande where ruined by the...
Subartic agriculture refers to a complex set-up that includes among others, an agricultural and bree...
[EUS] XX. mendearen bigarren erdian Euskal Herrikoíanda espazio atlantiarrean suertatu den paisai al...
SUMMARY The achievment of the High Aragon Scheme produced an extension of the irrigated area in the...
Agricultural development in the Segala of Aveyron county. The agricultural development of the Aveyro...
L’ouvrage propose un tour d’horizon des évolutions les plus récentes du foncier et de l’agriculture ...
The essential change of French agriculture begins about 1955. It is loaded of various consequences w...
Owing to the changes in demographic data, to the numerous retirements which are not balanced by the ...
During the last three decades the agriculture of Galicia has changed thoroughly. But the transformat...
L'agriculture comtoise change. Depuis les années soixante elle s'est profondément modifiée, restruct...
Dairy farming and milk business in bearn and basque districts : the capitalist concentration and the...
Au Brésil, le Nordeste a mauvaise réputation. C'est la "région problème". L'agriculture familiale, q...
By increasing the individual irrigation that existed long ago, and owing to the offer of national an...
Actas de la XII Reunión Científica de la Fundación Española de Historia Moderna, celebrada en la Uni...
The everchanging rural landscapes show that agriculture gave way to other activitis. Three new types...
A new agriculture in the Landes de Gascogne. Peasant families of the haute Lande where ruined by the...
Subartic agriculture refers to a complex set-up that includes among others, an agricultural and bree...
[EUS] XX. mendearen bigarren erdian Euskal Herrikoíanda espazio atlantiarrean suertatu den paisai al...
SUMMARY The achievment of the High Aragon Scheme produced an extension of the irrigated area in the...
Agricultural development in the Segala of Aveyron county. The agricultural development of the Aveyro...
L’ouvrage propose un tour d’horizon des évolutions les plus récentes du foncier et de l’agriculture ...
The essential change of French agriculture begins about 1955. It is loaded of various consequences w...
Owing to the changes in demographic data, to the numerous retirements which are not balanced by the ...
During the last three decades the agriculture of Galicia has changed thoroughly. But the transformat...
L'agriculture comtoise change. Depuis les années soixante elle s'est profondément modifiée, restruct...
Dairy farming and milk business in bearn and basque districts : the capitalist concentration and the...
Au Brésil, le Nordeste a mauvaise réputation. C'est la "région problème". L'agriculture familiale, q...
By increasing the individual irrigation that existed long ago, and owing to the offer of national an...
Actas de la XII Reunión Científica de la Fundación Española de Historia Moderna, celebrada en la Uni...
The everchanging rural landscapes show that agriculture gave way to other activitis. Three new types...
A new agriculture in the Landes de Gascogne. Peasant families of the haute Lande where ruined by the...
Subartic agriculture refers to a complex set-up that includes among others, an agricultural and bree...