Mentoring is widely acknowledged to be important in career success, yet may be lacking for female and minority law professors, contributing to disparities in retention and promotion of diverse faculty. This Article presents the results of a unique diversity mentoring program conducted at one law school. Mentoring is often thought of as something directed by the mentor on behalf of the protégé. Our framework inverts that model, empowering diverse faculty members to proactively cultivate their own networks of research mentors. The studied intervention consisted of modest programming on mentorship, along with supplemental travel funds to focus specifically on travel for the purpose of cultivating mentors beyond one’s own institution. Participa...
Writing in 1994, Clark conmiented that 'Notwithstanding the fact that mentoring is quite common, the...
Mentoring continues to be a salient conversation in academia among junior and senior faculty and adm...
Many universities administer programs that match students with mentors who assist the students with ...
Mentoring is widely acknowledged to be important in career success, yet may be lacking for female an...
Mentoring is widely acknowledged to be important in career success, yet may be lacking for female an...
Much has been written about the demands from mentoring students. Mentoring is regarded as service wo...
Recent research has provided evidence that underrepresented racial minorities receive substantially ...
This article examines the mentoring experiences of 58 underrepresented minority (URM) faculty at 22 ...
Access to thesis permanently restricted to Ball State community only.Numerous formal mentoring progr...
The effective mentoring of a diverse student population requires that faculty examine their own ster...
Recent work indicates that mentoring of both tenure-track and tenured STEM women faculty is importan...
Teaching is the oldest profession in the world. Mentoring program for faculty only began as recently...
This article provides a qualitative analysis of a pretenure mentoring model that was designed to enh...
Women of color are already severely underrepresented in legal academia; as enrollment drops and lega...
Mentor/mentee relationships have a tremendous impact on graduate student well-being and in the produ...
Writing in 1994, Clark conmiented that 'Notwithstanding the fact that mentoring is quite common, the...
Mentoring continues to be a salient conversation in academia among junior and senior faculty and adm...
Many universities administer programs that match students with mentors who assist the students with ...
Mentoring is widely acknowledged to be important in career success, yet may be lacking for female an...
Mentoring is widely acknowledged to be important in career success, yet may be lacking for female an...
Much has been written about the demands from mentoring students. Mentoring is regarded as service wo...
Recent research has provided evidence that underrepresented racial minorities receive substantially ...
This article examines the mentoring experiences of 58 underrepresented minority (URM) faculty at 22 ...
Access to thesis permanently restricted to Ball State community only.Numerous formal mentoring progr...
The effective mentoring of a diverse student population requires that faculty examine their own ster...
Recent work indicates that mentoring of both tenure-track and tenured STEM women faculty is importan...
Teaching is the oldest profession in the world. Mentoring program for faculty only began as recently...
This article provides a qualitative analysis of a pretenure mentoring model that was designed to enh...
Women of color are already severely underrepresented in legal academia; as enrollment drops and lega...
Mentor/mentee relationships have a tremendous impact on graduate student well-being and in the produ...
Writing in 1994, Clark conmiented that 'Notwithstanding the fact that mentoring is quite common, the...
Mentoring continues to be a salient conversation in academia among junior and senior faculty and adm...
Many universities administer programs that match students with mentors who assist the students with ...