Robinia L. is a genus of trees and small shrubs native to North America, with several species that are of conservation concern within the Southern Appalachians. The genus has been re-circumscribed utilizing morphologically based taxonomic treatments several times in the last century, though no molecular study has focused solely on the genus. Restriction Site Associated Sequencing (RADSeq) is a method of rapidly sequencing short reads from the genome that are generated by digesting the DNA with restriction enzymes to create short sequences from the same loci in many samples. I plan to sample the entirety of Robinia L. species native to the Southeastern United States and employ both RADSeq and morphological methods provide an updated taxonomi...
In Richland Creek, Haywood County, North Carolina, the invasive species, Redbreast Sunfish,Lepomis a...
Rapid and extensive dieback of aspen stands in the western United States, termed ‘Sudden Aspen Decli...
Forest trees, like oaks, rely on high levels of genetic variation to adapt to varying environmental ...
The purpose of this study was to examine a single bacterial species isolated from Great Smoky Mounta...
The genus Pneumocystis comprises highly diversified fungal species that cause severe pneumonia in in...
The most speciose group of fishes in the Gulf of Mexico is the dragonfishes (Family: Stomiidae). The...
Due to the worldwide decline of biodiversity, protected nature reserves are necessary for species fa...
Velvet mites of the genus Podothrombium Berlese, 1910 are found worldwide with only two described sp...
In forests of the southern Appalachians, myrmecochory, or ant-mediated seed dispersal, is a diffuse ...
Research on the Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera), a Neotropical migrantsongbird that ha...
Prokaryotes are vital to the survival of all life on Earth since they control the cycles of many ele...
Models for the evolution of species' traits and speciation rates usually ignore ecology: most compar...
Snakes represent an impressive evolutionary radiation of over 3,500 widely-distributed species, cate...
Recent molecular phylogenetic analyses have clearly shown the large, arctic and northtemperate genus...
\u27Northern Hardwoods,’ are a characteristic composition of multiple tree species and a part of the...
In Richland Creek, Haywood County, North Carolina, the invasive species, Redbreast Sunfish,Lepomis a...
Rapid and extensive dieback of aspen stands in the western United States, termed ‘Sudden Aspen Decli...
Forest trees, like oaks, rely on high levels of genetic variation to adapt to varying environmental ...
The purpose of this study was to examine a single bacterial species isolated from Great Smoky Mounta...
The genus Pneumocystis comprises highly diversified fungal species that cause severe pneumonia in in...
The most speciose group of fishes in the Gulf of Mexico is the dragonfishes (Family: Stomiidae). The...
Due to the worldwide decline of biodiversity, protected nature reserves are necessary for species fa...
Velvet mites of the genus Podothrombium Berlese, 1910 are found worldwide with only two described sp...
In forests of the southern Appalachians, myrmecochory, or ant-mediated seed dispersal, is a diffuse ...
Research on the Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera), a Neotropical migrantsongbird that ha...
Prokaryotes are vital to the survival of all life on Earth since they control the cycles of many ele...
Models for the evolution of species' traits and speciation rates usually ignore ecology: most compar...
Snakes represent an impressive evolutionary radiation of over 3,500 widely-distributed species, cate...
Recent molecular phylogenetic analyses have clearly shown the large, arctic and northtemperate genus...
\u27Northern Hardwoods,’ are a characteristic composition of multiple tree species and a part of the...
In Richland Creek, Haywood County, North Carolina, the invasive species, Redbreast Sunfish,Lepomis a...
Rapid and extensive dieback of aspen stands in the western United States, termed ‘Sudden Aspen Decli...
Forest trees, like oaks, rely on high levels of genetic variation to adapt to varying environmental ...