Monthly averages of daily maximum temperature (Tmax), daily minimum temperature (Tmin), daily average temperature (Tavg), daily solar radiation (Rs), daily maximum relative humidity (RHmax), daily minimum relative humidity (RHmin), and monthly sum of effective precipitation (Pe) at Emalawlé, Mont Bagzam, Niger.</p
Shows average maximum and minimum temperatures.; Also available online
The National Meteorological Service of Côte d'Ivoire produces 10-day agrometeorological bulletins wh...
The National Meteorological Service of Burkina Faso produces 10-day agrometeorological bulletins whi...
Monthly air temperatures and moisture (August 2021 –August 2022) in Emalawlé, Mont Bagzam, Niger.</p
Effective precipitation (Pe), potential reference evapotranspiration (ET0), and actual pan reference...
Daily weather data owned or distributed by AfricaRice and available on http://eservices.africarice....
Daily weather data owned or distributed by AfricaRice and available on http://eservices.africarice....
Daily weather data owned or distributed by AfricaRice and available on
<p>Climate data are derived from WorldClim database including mean annual temperature (MAT), maximum...
Daily rainfall and air temperature data were collected by IGEBU. For a given station, the number of ...
Despite the interest in detecting the extremes of climate in the West African Sahel, few studies hav...
The climate of the Department of Goure and Maine Soroa(Southeast of Niger) is of the saharo-sahelian...
Analysis of trends in temperature can provide important information required for the understanding o...
Hourly meteorological data of both dry bulb temperature and relative humidity for 18 locations in Ni...
The study investigated trend in extreme rainfall and temperature indices using thirty (30) years dai...
Shows average maximum and minimum temperatures.; Also available online
The National Meteorological Service of Côte d'Ivoire produces 10-day agrometeorological bulletins wh...
The National Meteorological Service of Burkina Faso produces 10-day agrometeorological bulletins whi...
Monthly air temperatures and moisture (August 2021 –August 2022) in Emalawlé, Mont Bagzam, Niger.</p
Effective precipitation (Pe), potential reference evapotranspiration (ET0), and actual pan reference...
Daily weather data owned or distributed by AfricaRice and available on http://eservices.africarice....
Daily weather data owned or distributed by AfricaRice and available on http://eservices.africarice....
Daily weather data owned or distributed by AfricaRice and available on
<p>Climate data are derived from WorldClim database including mean annual temperature (MAT), maximum...
Daily rainfall and air temperature data were collected by IGEBU. For a given station, the number of ...
Despite the interest in detecting the extremes of climate in the West African Sahel, few studies hav...
The climate of the Department of Goure and Maine Soroa(Southeast of Niger) is of the saharo-sahelian...
Analysis of trends in temperature can provide important information required for the understanding o...
Hourly meteorological data of both dry bulb temperature and relative humidity for 18 locations in Ni...
The study investigated trend in extreme rainfall and temperature indices using thirty (30) years dai...
Shows average maximum and minimum temperatures.; Also available online
The National Meteorological Service of Côte d'Ivoire produces 10-day agrometeorological bulletins wh...
The National Meteorological Service of Burkina Faso produces 10-day agrometeorological bulletins whi...