Lucius Junius Brutus. Un projet d'exposition au musée de la Révolution française (Vizille)

  • Bordes, Philippe
Publication date
January 1995
PERSEE Program


Philippe Bordes : Lucius Junius Brutus. An exhibition at the Museum of the French Revolution (Vizille). In 1993 the Museum of the French Revolution at Vizille acquired a painting by P. N. Guerin, The Death of Brutus. It was executed in 1793 for the Rome Prize competition organised by the Paris Royal Academy with judges nominated by the National Convention. An exhibition planned for 1996 will examine the context of this competition and the aesthetic debates concerning the definition of republican art which were raised in the judges' published report. During the 18th Century the development of the myth of Brutus as the emblematic figure of republican virtue (Voltaire) broke with the tradition which stressed the problematic nature of his pers...

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