Many experiments in biological and medical sciences currently use multiphoton microscopy as a core imaging technique. To date, solid-state lasers are most commonly used as excitation beam sources. However, the most demanding applications require precisely adjusted excitation laser parameters to enhance image quality. Still, the lag in developing easy-to-use laser sources with tunable output parameters makes it challenging. Here, we show that manipulating the temporal and spectral properties of the excitation beam can significantly improve the quality of images. We have developed a wavelength-tunable femtosecond fiber laser that operates within the 760 - 800 nm spectral range and produces ultrashort pulses (below 70 fs) with a clean temporal...
Multicolor multiphoton microscopy is experimentally demonstrated for the first time on a spectral ba...
International audienceLight-sheet fluorescence microscopy is a method of choice for multiscale live ...
Supplmentray files to "Increasing brightness in multiphoton microscopy with a low-repetition-rate, w...
Second harmonic generation microscopy is used to image interfaces or non-centrosymmetric structures ...
This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from
We demonstrate the ability of a multimode fiber probe to provide two-photon fluorescence (TPF) imagi...
The use of multiphoton microscopy has proven its potential on deep tissue virtual biopsy for early d...
Wide-field temporal focused (WF-TeFo) two-photon microscopy allows for the simultaneous imaging of a...
International audienceCommercial multiphoton microscopes currently include standard and bulk titaniu...
We demonstrate an energy scalable approach to implement ultrafast fiber laser sources suitable for d...
We demonstrate energy scalable fiber-laser based sources that produce sub-100 fs pulses widely tunab...
This project explores optimization of two-photon excited fluorescence (TPEF) enhancement between tun...
Multiphoton microscopy is commonly used as a tool in biological and material science. Using a high p...
Development of high power/energy ultrafast fiber lasers for scientific research and industrial appli...
The dependence of spectral broadening of an ultrashort-pulsed laser beam on the fiber length and the...
Multicolor multiphoton microscopy is experimentally demonstrated for the first time on a spectral ba...
International audienceLight-sheet fluorescence microscopy is a method of choice for multiscale live ...
Supplmentray files to "Increasing brightness in multiphoton microscopy with a low-repetition-rate, w...
Second harmonic generation microscopy is used to image interfaces or non-centrosymmetric structures ...
This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from
We demonstrate the ability of a multimode fiber probe to provide two-photon fluorescence (TPF) imagi...
The use of multiphoton microscopy has proven its potential on deep tissue virtual biopsy for early d...
Wide-field temporal focused (WF-TeFo) two-photon microscopy allows for the simultaneous imaging of a...
International audienceCommercial multiphoton microscopes currently include standard and bulk titaniu...
We demonstrate an energy scalable approach to implement ultrafast fiber laser sources suitable for d...
We demonstrate energy scalable fiber-laser based sources that produce sub-100 fs pulses widely tunab...
This project explores optimization of two-photon excited fluorescence (TPEF) enhancement between tun...
Multiphoton microscopy is commonly used as a tool in biological and material science. Using a high p...
Development of high power/energy ultrafast fiber lasers for scientific research and industrial appli...
The dependence of spectral broadening of an ultrashort-pulsed laser beam on the fiber length and the...
Multicolor multiphoton microscopy is experimentally demonstrated for the first time on a spectral ba...
International audienceLight-sheet fluorescence microscopy is a method of choice for multiscale live ...
Supplmentray files to "Increasing brightness in multiphoton microscopy with a low-repetition-rate, w...