Data related to the emergence of the Gravettian are very scarce. In that period, deep modifications of the codes of the Aurignacian culture occurred all over Europe. In France, where data are especially rare, we present three case studies concerning the lithic industries of Abri Pataud, Grotte de Font-Yves and La Gravette, with the aim of understanding those cultural processes. The last Aurignacian level of Abri Pataud, layer 6, is dated to between 29347 ± 1374 BP and 28510 ± 280 BP (GrN 6273) (Bricker 1995). Its coherence has been verified by a recent geo-archaeological study (Agsous et al. 2008). The industry reveals a clear diversification of production schemes and the development of new techniques and new goals, such as obtaining small ...