Fishing and fishermen of the navy district of Bayonne (France). — The Biscaye coast is since a long time a seamen's nurserv. During Middle Age the Basque hunted whale over the Gulf of Gascogne ; during the 17th and 18th centuries they searched for cods on Newfoundland's banks. Nowadays the district of Bayonne, from the month of Bidassoa up to the seaside resort of Contis gathers still over 1000 fishermen, many of them being natives of the Spanish Biscaye province. Most are to be found in Saint-Jean-de-Luz -Ciboure, other harbours being too small and unfit for modern fishing. They have various aims : anadro- mous fishes in Adour's month, seasonal species (tunny, anchovies and sardines) in the Gulf, albacore in Atlantic tropical waters. Thoug...