Courcelle Pierre. Sister Thomas A. Goggin, m. a., The times of saint Gregory of Nyssa as reflected in the Letters and in the Contra Eunomium, Diss., The catholic University of America, Patristic Studies, vol. LXXIX, 1947. In: Revue des Études Anciennes. Tome 52, 1950, n°1-2. pp. 182-183
Giet Stanislas. Sister M. G. Me Nell, Simone Fidati and « De gestis Domini Salvatoris », 1950. In: R...
P. A. 8. Sister M. G. Murphy. St Basil and Monasticism (fascicule XXV des Patristic Studies de l'Uni...
Tessier Georges. Sister Mary Immaculate BODENSTEDT. The « Vita Christi » of Ludolphus the Carthusian...
Puech Aimé. Sister James Aloysius Stein. Encomion of saint Gregory, etc. In: Revue des Études Grecqu...
Puech Aimé. Sister Margaret Gertrude Murphy, Saint Βasil and Monasticism (fascicule XXV de la même c...
Vallette Paul. Sister Mary Emily Keenan, The Life and Times of St. Augustine as revealed in His Lett...
Palanque Jean-Rémy. Encomium of saint Gregory, bishop of Nyssa, on his brother saint Basil archbisho...
Rochus L. Sister Mildred Dolores Tobin. Orientii Commonitorium. A Commentary with an Introduction an...
Boulanger André. Sister Mary Daniel Madden, The pagan divinities and their worship as depicted in th...
Juret A. Sister Kathleen Brazzel, O. S. Β., The Clausulae in the Works of St. Gregory the Great (Stu...
Palanque Jean-Rémy. Sister Mary Dorothea Diederich, Vergil in the works of St. Ambrose (The Catholic...
Juret A. Sister Mary Raphael Arts M. Α., The Syntax of the Confessions of Saint Augustine (vol. XIV ...
Darcis Jeanne. Sister Angela Elizabeth Keenan M. A. Thasci Caecili Cypriani de habitu virginum, a Co...
Puech Aimé. Sister Margaret Mary Fox, The Life and Times of St. Basil the Great as revealed in his w...
Sister M. G. Murphy : St Basil and Monasticism. In: Supplément critique au Bulletin de l'Association...
Giet Stanislas. Sister M. G. Me Nell, Simone Fidati and « De gestis Domini Salvatoris », 1950. In: R...
P. A. 8. Sister M. G. Murphy. St Basil and Monasticism (fascicule XXV des Patristic Studies de l'Uni...
Tessier Georges. Sister Mary Immaculate BODENSTEDT. The « Vita Christi » of Ludolphus the Carthusian...
Puech Aimé. Sister James Aloysius Stein. Encomion of saint Gregory, etc. In: Revue des Études Grecqu...
Puech Aimé. Sister Margaret Gertrude Murphy, Saint Βasil and Monasticism (fascicule XXV de la même c...
Vallette Paul. Sister Mary Emily Keenan, The Life and Times of St. Augustine as revealed in His Lett...
Palanque Jean-Rémy. Encomium of saint Gregory, bishop of Nyssa, on his brother saint Basil archbisho...
Rochus L. Sister Mildred Dolores Tobin. Orientii Commonitorium. A Commentary with an Introduction an...
Boulanger André. Sister Mary Daniel Madden, The pagan divinities and their worship as depicted in th...
Juret A. Sister Kathleen Brazzel, O. S. Β., The Clausulae in the Works of St. Gregory the Great (Stu...
Palanque Jean-Rémy. Sister Mary Dorothea Diederich, Vergil in the works of St. Ambrose (The Catholic...
Juret A. Sister Mary Raphael Arts M. Α., The Syntax of the Confessions of Saint Augustine (vol. XIV ...
Darcis Jeanne. Sister Angela Elizabeth Keenan M. A. Thasci Caecili Cypriani de habitu virginum, a Co...
Puech Aimé. Sister Margaret Mary Fox, The Life and Times of St. Basil the Great as revealed in his w...
Sister M. G. Murphy : St Basil and Monasticism. In: Supplément critique au Bulletin de l'Association...
Giet Stanislas. Sister M. G. Me Nell, Simone Fidati and « De gestis Domini Salvatoris », 1950. In: R...
P. A. 8. Sister M. G. Murphy. St Basil and Monasticism (fascicule XXV des Patristic Studies de l'Uni...
Tessier Georges. Sister Mary Immaculate BODENSTEDT. The « Vita Christi » of Ludolphus the Carthusian...