Guillaumond Julien. Rév. D. Vincent Twomey, SVD, The End of Irish Catholicism ?. In: Études irlandaises, n°29 n°2, 2004. Espaces irlandais : zones et marges, sous la direction de Sylvie Mikowski et Claude Fierobe. pp. 197-198
In the 1950s the strength of religious practice in Irish society was unique in Europe. Yet some outs...
Goldring Maurice. Exclusion du suffrage : l'émancipation des catholiques. In: Études irlandaises, Ho...
Fohlen Claude. Catholicisme américain et catholicisme européen: la convergence de l'« américanisme»....
A review of "The End of Irish Catholicism?" by D. Vincent Twomey.This is a book which grew out of a ...
Escarbelt Bernard. Louise Fuller, Irish Catholicism since 1950, The Undoing of a Culture. In: Études...
Gillissen Christophe. Jérôme Aan De Wiel : The Catholic Church in Ireland, 1914-1918 : War and Polit...
Taylor Lawrence. The Healing Mass: Fields and Regimes of Irish Catholicism / La Messe de guérison : ...
Amiot Pascale. Rüdiger Imhof, The Modern Irish Novel, Irish Novelists after 1945. In: Études irlanda...
Fierobe Claude, Dumay Emile-Jean. Activités irlandaises (Activities of Irish Interest). In: Études i...
Rovan Joseph. Réflexions sur le catholicisme en Allemagne aux XIXe et XXe siècles. In: Matériaux pou...
Lobo Anne-Catherine. James H. Murphy (sous la direction de), Evangelicals and Catholics in Nineteent...
During the decades from 1960 to 1990, the relations between the Catholic Church in Ireland and the I...
Isambert François-André. Mury Gilbert, Essor ou déclin du catholicisme français ?. In: Revue françai...
This volume is the latest study of the challenges and prospects of contemporary Irish Catholic...
The Union could neither deprive Ireland of a national identity nor provide political solutions. The ...
In the 1950s the strength of religious practice in Irish society was unique in Europe. Yet some outs...
Goldring Maurice. Exclusion du suffrage : l'émancipation des catholiques. In: Études irlandaises, Ho...
Fohlen Claude. Catholicisme américain et catholicisme européen: la convergence de l'« américanisme»....
A review of "The End of Irish Catholicism?" by D. Vincent Twomey.This is a book which grew out of a ...
Escarbelt Bernard. Louise Fuller, Irish Catholicism since 1950, The Undoing of a Culture. In: Études...
Gillissen Christophe. Jérôme Aan De Wiel : The Catholic Church in Ireland, 1914-1918 : War and Polit...
Taylor Lawrence. The Healing Mass: Fields and Regimes of Irish Catholicism / La Messe de guérison : ...
Amiot Pascale. Rüdiger Imhof, The Modern Irish Novel, Irish Novelists after 1945. In: Études irlanda...
Fierobe Claude, Dumay Emile-Jean. Activités irlandaises (Activities of Irish Interest). In: Études i...
Rovan Joseph. Réflexions sur le catholicisme en Allemagne aux XIXe et XXe siècles. In: Matériaux pou...
Lobo Anne-Catherine. James H. Murphy (sous la direction de), Evangelicals and Catholics in Nineteent...
During the decades from 1960 to 1990, the relations between the Catholic Church in Ireland and the I...
Isambert François-André. Mury Gilbert, Essor ou déclin du catholicisme français ?. In: Revue françai...
This volume is the latest study of the challenges and prospects of contemporary Irish Catholic...
The Union could neither deprive Ireland of a national identity nor provide political solutions. The ...
In the 1950s the strength of religious practice in Irish society was unique in Europe. Yet some outs...
Goldring Maurice. Exclusion du suffrage : l'émancipation des catholiques. In: Études irlandaises, Ho...
Fohlen Claude. Catholicisme américain et catholicisme européen: la convergence de l'« américanisme»....