Gavray Marc-Antoine. David BRADSHAW, Aristotle East and West. Metaphysics and the Division of Christendom. . In: L'antiquité classique, Tome 75, 2006. pp. 372-373
Destrée Pierre. Demetra SFENDONI-MENTZOU e.a. (Ed.), Aristotle and Contemporary Science.. In: L'anti...
Van Liefferinge Carine. J. D. Mikalson, Religion in Hellenistic Athens. In: L'antiquité classique, T...
Bodéüs Richard. Jonathan Barnes, Aristotle. In: Revue Philosophique de Louvain. Quatrième série, tom...
Gavray Marc-Antoine. David BRADSHAW, Aristotle East and West. Metaphysics and the Division of Christ...
Couloubaritsis Lambros. John David Gemmill Evans, Aristotle's Concept of Dialectic. In: L'antiquité ...
Touwaide Alain. William W. Fortenbaugh et Robert W. Sharples (Edd.), Theophrastean Studies on Natura...
Lefèvre Charles. Aristotle's Metaphysics, Books Γ, Δ and Ε, translated with Notes by Christopher Kir...
Daudin H. Aristotle's Metaphysics. A revised Text with Introduction and Commentary, by W. D. Ross, 1...
Brito Emilio. Timothy Bradshaw, Trinity and Ontology. A Comparative Study of the Theologies of Karl ...
Stevens Annick. David SEDLEY, The Cambridge Companion to Greek and Roman Philosophy.. In: L'antiquit...
Grappe Christian. D. C. Parker, An Introduction to the New Testament Manuscripts and Their Texts, Ca...
Moraux Paul. Témoins méconnus des Divisiones Aristoteleae. In: L'antiquité classique, Tome 46, fasc....
Gavray Marc-Antoine. Lloyd P. GERSON, Aristotle and other Platonists.. In: L'antiquité classique, To...
Bréhier Émile. Aristotle's Metaphysics, a revised text with introduction and commentary, by W. D. Ro...
Chevallier M. Richard A. Watson, The breakdown of Cartesian Metaphysics, Atlantic Highlands N.J., Hu...
Destrée Pierre. Demetra SFENDONI-MENTZOU e.a. (Ed.), Aristotle and Contemporary Science.. In: L'anti...
Van Liefferinge Carine. J. D. Mikalson, Religion in Hellenistic Athens. In: L'antiquité classique, T...
Bodéüs Richard. Jonathan Barnes, Aristotle. In: Revue Philosophique de Louvain. Quatrième série, tom...
Gavray Marc-Antoine. David BRADSHAW, Aristotle East and West. Metaphysics and the Division of Christ...
Couloubaritsis Lambros. John David Gemmill Evans, Aristotle's Concept of Dialectic. In: L'antiquité ...
Touwaide Alain. William W. Fortenbaugh et Robert W. Sharples (Edd.), Theophrastean Studies on Natura...
Lefèvre Charles. Aristotle's Metaphysics, Books Γ, Δ and Ε, translated with Notes by Christopher Kir...
Daudin H. Aristotle's Metaphysics. A revised Text with Introduction and Commentary, by W. D. Ross, 1...
Brito Emilio. Timothy Bradshaw, Trinity and Ontology. A Comparative Study of the Theologies of Karl ...
Stevens Annick. David SEDLEY, The Cambridge Companion to Greek and Roman Philosophy.. In: L'antiquit...
Grappe Christian. D. C. Parker, An Introduction to the New Testament Manuscripts and Their Texts, Ca...
Moraux Paul. Témoins méconnus des Divisiones Aristoteleae. In: L'antiquité classique, Tome 46, fasc....
Gavray Marc-Antoine. Lloyd P. GERSON, Aristotle and other Platonists.. In: L'antiquité classique, To...
Bréhier Émile. Aristotle's Metaphysics, a revised text with introduction and commentary, by W. D. Ro...
Chevallier M. Richard A. Watson, The breakdown of Cartesian Metaphysics, Atlantic Highlands N.J., Hu...
Destrée Pierre. Demetra SFENDONI-MENTZOU e.a. (Ed.), Aristotle and Contemporary Science.. In: L'anti...
Van Liefferinge Carine. J. D. Mikalson, Religion in Hellenistic Athens. In: L'antiquité classique, T...
Bodéüs Richard. Jonathan Barnes, Aristotle. In: Revue Philosophique de Louvain. Quatrième série, tom...