Cébeillac-Gervasoni Mireille. Robert E. A. Palmer, The Archaic Community of the Romans. In: L'antiquité classique, Tome 40, fasc. 2, 1971. pp. 792-793
Vernois Paul. L'archaïsme dans le roman rustique aux XIXe et XXe siècles. In: Cahiers de l'Associati...
Merlin Alfred. Joyce S. et Arthur E. Gordon. Album of dated Latin Inscriptions, vol I : Rome and the...
Van den Bruwaene Martin. R. M. Olgivie, The Romans and their Gods in the Age of Augustus. In: L'anti...
Cébeillac-Gervasoni Mireille. Robert E. A. Palmer, The Archaic Community of the Romans. In: L'antiqu...
Turcan Robert. R. E. A. Palmer. The Archaic Community of the Romans. In: Revue de l'histoire des rel...
Flam-Zuckermann Léa. Robert E. A. Palmer, The King and the Comitium. A Study of Rome's oldest Public...
Turcan Robert. Robert E. A. Palmer. Roman Religion and Roman Empire : Five Essays. In: Revue de l'hi...
Debergh Jacques. Robert E.A. Palmer, Rome and Carthage at Peace. In: L'antiquité classique, Tome 68,...
Dury-Moyaers Geneviève. Palmer (R. Ε. Α.). Roman Religion and Roman Empire. Five Essays. In: Revue b...
Cébeillac-Gervasoni Mireille. Tim Cornell & Kathryn Lomas (Ed.), Urban Society in Roman Italy. . In:...
Tefnin Roland. M. M. Austin, Greece and Egypt in the archaic Age. In: L'antiquité classique, Tome 40...
Balty Jean-Charles. Frank E. Brown, Cosa : the Making of a Roman Town. In: L'antiquité classique, To...
Moreau Phillipe. C.J. SMITH, The Roman Clan. The gens from ancient ideology to modern anthropology. ...
Raepsaet-Charlier Marie-Thérèse. Alan K. Bowman, Life and Letters on the Roman Frontier. Vindolanda ...
Desy Philippe. Roger J.A. Wilson, Sicily under the Roman Empire. The Archaeology of a Roman Province...
Vernois Paul. L'archaïsme dans le roman rustique aux XIXe et XXe siècles. In: Cahiers de l'Associati...
Merlin Alfred. Joyce S. et Arthur E. Gordon. Album of dated Latin Inscriptions, vol I : Rome and the...
Van den Bruwaene Martin. R. M. Olgivie, The Romans and their Gods in the Age of Augustus. In: L'anti...
Cébeillac-Gervasoni Mireille. Robert E. A. Palmer, The Archaic Community of the Romans. In: L'antiqu...
Turcan Robert. R. E. A. Palmer. The Archaic Community of the Romans. In: Revue de l'histoire des rel...
Flam-Zuckermann Léa. Robert E. A. Palmer, The King and the Comitium. A Study of Rome's oldest Public...
Turcan Robert. Robert E. A. Palmer. Roman Religion and Roman Empire : Five Essays. In: Revue de l'hi...
Debergh Jacques. Robert E.A. Palmer, Rome and Carthage at Peace. In: L'antiquité classique, Tome 68,...
Dury-Moyaers Geneviève. Palmer (R. Ε. Α.). Roman Religion and Roman Empire. Five Essays. In: Revue b...
Cébeillac-Gervasoni Mireille. Tim Cornell & Kathryn Lomas (Ed.), Urban Society in Roman Italy. . In:...
Tefnin Roland. M. M. Austin, Greece and Egypt in the archaic Age. In: L'antiquité classique, Tome 40...
Balty Jean-Charles. Frank E. Brown, Cosa : the Making of a Roman Town. In: L'antiquité classique, To...
Moreau Phillipe. C.J. SMITH, The Roman Clan. The gens from ancient ideology to modern anthropology. ...
Raepsaet-Charlier Marie-Thérèse. Alan K. Bowman, Life and Letters on the Roman Frontier. Vindolanda ...
Desy Philippe. Roger J.A. Wilson, Sicily under the Roman Empire. The Archaeology of a Roman Province...
Vernois Paul. L'archaïsme dans le roman rustique aux XIXe et XXe siècles. In: Cahiers de l'Associati...
Merlin Alfred. Joyce S. et Arthur E. Gordon. Album of dated Latin Inscriptions, vol I : Rome and the...
Van den Bruwaene Martin. R. M. Olgivie, The Romans and their Gods in the Age of Augustus. In: L'anti...