Tikus sawah (Rattus-rattus argentiventer) dapat menyebabkan kerusakan yang parah pada tanaman padi sawah. Pengendalian dengan fumigasi (pengasapan) berbahan aktif sulfur dapat membunuh tikus dalam lubang pematang. Fumigasi akan efektif bila lubang aktif tikus diketahui, namun mengenali lubang aktif tikus tidaklah mudah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi potensi metode Infrared Thermography (IRT) dalam mendeteksi lubang aktif tikus sawah melalui visualisasi citra termal. Beberapa lubang tikus yang ditemukan di areal persawahan milik petani di Desa Lebo Jaya, Kecamatan Konda, Kabupaten Konawe Selatan, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara direkam citra termalnya menggunakan FLIR C2 Compact Thermal Imager. Selanjutnya, citra termal dan RGB (red g...
Infrared Thermography (IRT) is commonly as a NDE tool to identify damages and provide remedial actio...
In the last 20-30 years, the implementation of new technologies from the research centres to the foo...
Rat is one of the pests is quite disturbing, especially in warehouses to store food or items that ar...
— Bangunan, baik gedung atau tempat tinggal, perlu dijaga tingkat keamanan, Kenyamanan darikebakaran...
Infrared thermography (IRT) is a non-invasive remote sensing method to detect temperature. Many stud...
In the field of temperature sensing, there are any ways to measure a temperature on both living and ...
Abstrak Pendidikan selalu berjalan berdampingan dengan perkembangan teknologi yang ada. Perkembangan...
The last few years, infrared thermography technique has been applied successfully in petrochemical i...
Thermal remote sensing technology (thermography) is a non-destructive technique used to determine th...
Kebakaran yang terjadi pada tahun 2015 di industri manufakturing kemasan plastik menyebabkan terhamb...
Precision agriculture technologies have become more prominent and useful in prevailing commercial ag...
Rambak merupakan produk turunan hewani dari kulit sapi, kerbau dan babi. Kemiripan fisik ketiganya b...
Assessment on reproduction physiological parameters of ruminant caused by thermal stress usually use...
Untuk memudahkan penyelesaian pekerjaan rumah tangga maka perlu adanya alat bantu yang diharapkan bi...
Budaya 3M (Memakai masker, Menjaga jarak, dan Mencuci tangan) merupakan upaya pencegahan penularan v...
Infrared Thermography (IRT) is commonly as a NDE tool to identify damages and provide remedial actio...
In the last 20-30 years, the implementation of new technologies from the research centres to the foo...
Rat is one of the pests is quite disturbing, especially in warehouses to store food or items that ar...
— Bangunan, baik gedung atau tempat tinggal, perlu dijaga tingkat keamanan, Kenyamanan darikebakaran...
Infrared thermography (IRT) is a non-invasive remote sensing method to detect temperature. Many stud...
In the field of temperature sensing, there are any ways to measure a temperature on both living and ...
Abstrak Pendidikan selalu berjalan berdampingan dengan perkembangan teknologi yang ada. Perkembangan...
The last few years, infrared thermography technique has been applied successfully in petrochemical i...
Thermal remote sensing technology (thermography) is a non-destructive technique used to determine th...
Kebakaran yang terjadi pada tahun 2015 di industri manufakturing kemasan plastik menyebabkan terhamb...
Precision agriculture technologies have become more prominent and useful in prevailing commercial ag...
Rambak merupakan produk turunan hewani dari kulit sapi, kerbau dan babi. Kemiripan fisik ketiganya b...
Assessment on reproduction physiological parameters of ruminant caused by thermal stress usually use...
Untuk memudahkan penyelesaian pekerjaan rumah tangga maka perlu adanya alat bantu yang diharapkan bi...
Budaya 3M (Memakai masker, Menjaga jarak, dan Mencuci tangan) merupakan upaya pencegahan penularan v...
Infrared Thermography (IRT) is commonly as a NDE tool to identify damages and provide remedial actio...
In the last 20-30 years, the implementation of new technologies from the research centres to the foo...
Rat is one of the pests is quite disturbing, especially in warehouses to store food or items that ar...