Abstrak: Siswa berkebutuhan khusus adalah siswa yang mengalami hambatan atau keterbelakangan fungsi kecerdasan atau intelektual, serta keterlambatan dalam fungsi fisik sehingga membutuhkan pelayanan pendidikan khusus agar bisa mengembangkan kemampuan yang dimiliki secara optimal. Pendidikan bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus tentu memberikan tantangan tersendiri bagi sekolah maupun guru yang mengajar mereka. Anak-anak berkebutuhan khusus memiliki kelainan atau kategori (kekurangan dan kelebihan) yang berbeda-beda disetiap anak. Tujuan dilakukanya Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui program kegiatan pembiasaan apa saja yang paling efektif dilaksanakan untuk membentuk karakter Siswa. Penelitian Ini menggunakan jenis penelitian SLR untuk mengumpulakan ...
This study aims to describe how the effort to develop the capacity of special schools in providing e...
Based on the results of preliminary studies on the problem of learning analysis ABK is still less at...
The purpose of this study is to identify students with special needs and design intervention through...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh dari interaksi antar teman sebaya siswa ABK dan ...
Special need children is used to replace extraordinary children indicating specific abnormalities ha...
Every citizen has the same right to obtain quality education. Even citizens whohave physical, emotio...
Inclusive education is an education in regular schools that be adapted to the needs of their student...
The purpose of research was expected to provide the opportunity to all of the children (including ch...
children with certain limitations and other children unite regardless of their respective limitation...
Pedagogy is the science or art of being a teacher, pedagogy also refers to the proper use of teachin...
Karakteristik spesifik Child with special needs pada umumnya berkaitan dengan tingkat perkembangan f...
Education is the main tool that can develop the intelligence and personality of an individual for th...
The purpose of this study is to establish the empirical validity of the curriculum model for childre...
Penelitian kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan penyesuaian diri anak terhadap ...
Character-based education of local wisdom for children with special needs is done to change society ...
This study aims to describe how the effort to develop the capacity of special schools in providing e...
Based on the results of preliminary studies on the problem of learning analysis ABK is still less at...
The purpose of this study is to identify students with special needs and design intervention through...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh dari interaksi antar teman sebaya siswa ABK dan ...
Special need children is used to replace extraordinary children indicating specific abnormalities ha...
Every citizen has the same right to obtain quality education. Even citizens whohave physical, emotio...
Inclusive education is an education in regular schools that be adapted to the needs of their student...
The purpose of research was expected to provide the opportunity to all of the children (including ch...
children with certain limitations and other children unite regardless of their respective limitation...
Pedagogy is the science or art of being a teacher, pedagogy also refers to the proper use of teachin...
Karakteristik spesifik Child with special needs pada umumnya berkaitan dengan tingkat perkembangan f...
Education is the main tool that can develop the intelligence and personality of an individual for th...
The purpose of this study is to establish the empirical validity of the curriculum model for childre...
Penelitian kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan penyesuaian diri anak terhadap ...
Character-based education of local wisdom for children with special needs is done to change society ...
This study aims to describe how the effort to develop the capacity of special schools in providing e...
Based on the results of preliminary studies on the problem of learning analysis ABK is still less at...
The purpose of this study is to identify students with special needs and design intervention through...