The Burins from Umingmak : how to use Thumbnail sized Tools

  • Unrath, Gunther
Publication date
January 1987
PERSÉE : Université de Lyon, CNRS & ENS de Lyon


«Umingmak» is situated in the central part of Banks Island (N.W.T., Canada). Mainly by evidence of its lithic inventar it is dated in a relatively advanced phase of the « Pre-Dorset-Culture », that means in C14 years around 3500 B. P. Because of the tininess of the stone tools the heading «Arctic Small Tool Tradition» was placed over assemblage like ours. Botanical and zoological analyses have yield the result, that Umingmak must have been a summer camp with repeated visits to carry out butchering and meat processing tasks. The size of the bifacially retouched burins ranges between 5 to 30 mm. This implies that an efficient employment of these tools is only possible with a hafting device. A combined microwear analysis showed that the tool...

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