This study has as its basis, certain terms (kondo, tsugi, saki, ato, mae, ushiro, uchi, soto, naka) originally having a spatial meaning, which was later extended to include time. The usage of some of these words may seem paradoxical, as the same term can, depending on the context, refer to the past or to the future, to anteriority or to posteriority. This usage is understandable if one accepts that the Japanese language does not make use of a single system of representation of time, but of three, the distinction lying in the opposition between wagakoto («one's own affair») and hitogoto («others' affairs»).Cette étude prend pour base certains termes (kondo, tsugi, saki, ato, mae, ushiro, uchi, soto, naka et aida) qui ont à l'origine une sign...