Section, provenances, source and number of individual trees sampled for each of the 16 Eucalyptus species included in the study.</p
Eucalypts are the most planted hardwood in the world, with 30 million ha. under cultivation. There a...
List of the 44 Eucalyptus hybrids studied, obtained by controlled interspecific crosses of two or mo...
ABSTRACT This study compares sampling methods based on plots of fixed area and based on a fixed numb...
Population structure analysis of each Eucalyptus species separately for which more than one provenan...
Population structure analysis of the 440 trees of 16 Eucalyptus species and 44 hybrids classified ac...
Eucalyptus species for which provenances were studied, plotted on their respective geographic locati...
In this research, the adaptation and establishment of several industrial provenances of Eucalyptus w...
Abstract: Eucalypts are the most planted hardwood in the world, with 30 million ha. under cultivatio...
DNA fingerprints for 567 Eucalyptus pilularis or E. pyrocarpa trees used in a study of population ge...
Sample of 100 phylogenetic trees for the 1931 species included in the study, containing 50 trees for...
The ash group comprises 42 taxa of the genus Eucalyptus. These eucalypts form Pryor and Johnson&apos...
Growth characteristics of a wide range of provenance trial of Eucalyptus urophylla established at La...
<p>One sample is equal to one microhabitat sampled on one individual tree at one point in time.</p
Growth characteristics of a wide range of provenance trial of Eucalyptus urophylla established at La...
Eucalyptus has been largely rejected as a genus for production forestry in Britain despite several s...
Eucalypts are the most planted hardwood in the world, with 30 million ha. under cultivation. There a...
List of the 44 Eucalyptus hybrids studied, obtained by controlled interspecific crosses of two or mo...
ABSTRACT This study compares sampling methods based on plots of fixed area and based on a fixed numb...
Population structure analysis of each Eucalyptus species separately for which more than one provenan...
Population structure analysis of the 440 trees of 16 Eucalyptus species and 44 hybrids classified ac...
Eucalyptus species for which provenances were studied, plotted on their respective geographic locati...
In this research, the adaptation and establishment of several industrial provenances of Eucalyptus w...
Abstract: Eucalypts are the most planted hardwood in the world, with 30 million ha. under cultivatio...
DNA fingerprints for 567 Eucalyptus pilularis or E. pyrocarpa trees used in a study of population ge...
Sample of 100 phylogenetic trees for the 1931 species included in the study, containing 50 trees for...
The ash group comprises 42 taxa of the genus Eucalyptus. These eucalypts form Pryor and Johnson&apos...
Growth characteristics of a wide range of provenance trial of Eucalyptus urophylla established at La...
<p>One sample is equal to one microhabitat sampled on one individual tree at one point in time.</p
Growth characteristics of a wide range of provenance trial of Eucalyptus urophylla established at La...
Eucalyptus has been largely rejected as a genus for production forestry in Britain despite several s...
Eucalypts are the most planted hardwood in the world, with 30 million ha. under cultivation. There a...
List of the 44 Eucalyptus hybrids studied, obtained by controlled interspecific crosses of two or mo...
ABSTRACT This study compares sampling methods based on plots of fixed area and based on a fixed numb...