Model estimation–predicting speeding tickets (standard errors in parentheses).</p
Unstandardized parameter estimates, standard errors for the structural model.</p
<p><sup>a</sup>Standard errors are indicated in parentheses.</p><p>Kinetic parameters of Est10.</p
<p>Error bars represent standard errors. The numbers next to the data points indicate the condition....
Model estimation–predicting speeding tickets (standard errors in parentheses).</p
Parameters estimates and standard errors (in parentheses) of the NEHTW model with other models.</p
Parameters estimates and standard errors of the NEHTW model with other models.</p
Proposer estimation results–Marginal effects (ME), standard errors in parentheses.</p
<p>Path estimates and standard errors of the non-significant pathways from the final model.</p
<p>Number, type, and rates of unintentional errors, by model version and revision.</p
Standardized coefficients, standard errors (S.E.s), t values, and p values for path model.</p
Error measure for traffic prediction for proposed SVR–x–GWO-BES and SVR–x–GWO—MAPE and RMSE.</p
Spring equations are for predicting the spring state variables, and fall equations are for predictin...
Error measure for traffic prediction for increasing search agents–(a) MAPE and (b) RMSE.</p
<p>Measurement errors of the three models and comparison between the three models, for each measurem...
<p>Estimates and standard errors of the coefficients from the national general model.</p
Unstandardized parameter estimates, standard errors for the structural model.</p
<p><sup>a</sup>Standard errors are indicated in parentheses.</p><p>Kinetic parameters of Est10.</p
<p>Error bars represent standard errors. The numbers next to the data points indicate the condition....
Model estimation–predicting speeding tickets (standard errors in parentheses).</p
Parameters estimates and standard errors (in parentheses) of the NEHTW model with other models.</p
Parameters estimates and standard errors of the NEHTW model with other models.</p
Proposer estimation results–Marginal effects (ME), standard errors in parentheses.</p
<p>Path estimates and standard errors of the non-significant pathways from the final model.</p
<p>Number, type, and rates of unintentional errors, by model version and revision.</p
Standardized coefficients, standard errors (S.E.s), t values, and p values for path model.</p
Error measure for traffic prediction for proposed SVR–x–GWO-BES and SVR–x–GWO—MAPE and RMSE.</p
Spring equations are for predicting the spring state variables, and fall equations are for predictin...
Error measure for traffic prediction for increasing search agents–(a) MAPE and (b) RMSE.</p
<p>Measurement errors of the three models and comparison between the three models, for each measurem...
<p>Estimates and standard errors of the coefficients from the national general model.</p
Unstandardized parameter estimates, standard errors for the structural model.</p
<p><sup>a</sup>Standard errors are indicated in parentheses.</p><p>Kinetic parameters of Est10.</p
<p>Error bars represent standard errors. The numbers next to the data points indicate the condition....