本研究は内牧地区を他にはない存在として打ち出すものとしての取り組みであり,地区の活性化の一助を美術で行うことの実践である.内牧温泉街繁栄会からの依頼に基づき研究・実践を行う.About the mural painting work in Uchinomaki in Aso City in Kumamoto Prefecture, this paper considers and Ipractice it. I considered the possibility of mural painting work of fine arts as one of the local contributions, and performed work which attains to 4 term from 2013 to 2014. And I completed six huge mural paintings. It is "the wall of imaginathion, the wall of "ai" "those who wait for a bus" "the town on a hill" "a time of the night of a town" "the hill of reading" and "the tradition of a cat". I tackled the new charm structure with a mural painting. I cooperated with the Uchinomaki Onsen town prosperity meeting, and repeated and practiced deliberati...