In this research we introduce a coupled column model to simulate the vertical migration of Microcystis aeruginosa in natural lakes. M. aeruginosa is a unicellular cyanobacteria that form colonies. They produce toxins and therefore become a potential threat to water quality and human health. Understanding the distribution of this species in space and time is important for improving water management strategies. The model we propose includes both hydrodynamics and physiological responses including explicitly buoyancy regulation in Microcystis cells. Our model applies the Langevin–Fokker–Planck approach to simulate the total colony number concentration along the water column. This approach allows the description of sinking and rising velocities...
In some lakes, large amounts of the potentially toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis overwinter in the s...
A population of buoyant colonies of Microcystis sp. dominated the phytoplankton of the small Vinkeve...
Cyanobacteria often cause harmful algal blooms and release toxic substances that can harm humans and...
In this research we introduce a coupled column model to simulate the vertical migration of Microcyst...
<p>The vertical migration and accumulation of <em>Microcystis</em> is an important process in water ...
The spatial distribution of algae in lakes inter alia depends on ambient mixing conditions in the wa...
This study introduces a coupled flow-biology computational model based on scaling methods and dimens...
Microcystis is one of the most notorious phytoplankton species, because it can form harmful toxic bl...
Abstract Climate change is leading to an increase in severity, frequency, and distribution of harmfu...
The short-term relationships between the spatial distributions of phytoplankton and the environmenta...
Cyanobacteria often dominate the algal community of eutrophic waterbodies during summer months. In p...
Light-driven vertical migration is critical in dense aggregation of Microcystis aeruginosa during al...
8 p.International audienceThe potentially harmful phytoplankton bloom is a world wide problem that b...
In some lakes, large amounts of the potentially toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis overwinter in the s...
In some lakes, large amounts of the potentially toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis overwinter in the s...
A population of buoyant colonies of Microcystis sp. dominated the phytoplankton of the small Vinkeve...
Cyanobacteria often cause harmful algal blooms and release toxic substances that can harm humans and...
In this research we introduce a coupled column model to simulate the vertical migration of Microcyst...
<p>The vertical migration and accumulation of <em>Microcystis</em> is an important process in water ...
The spatial distribution of algae in lakes inter alia depends on ambient mixing conditions in the wa...
This study introduces a coupled flow-biology computational model based on scaling methods and dimens...
Microcystis is one of the most notorious phytoplankton species, because it can form harmful toxic bl...
Abstract Climate change is leading to an increase in severity, frequency, and distribution of harmfu...
The short-term relationships between the spatial distributions of phytoplankton and the environmenta...
Cyanobacteria often dominate the algal community of eutrophic waterbodies during summer months. In p...
Light-driven vertical migration is critical in dense aggregation of Microcystis aeruginosa during al...
8 p.International audienceThe potentially harmful phytoplankton bloom is a world wide problem that b...
In some lakes, large amounts of the potentially toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis overwinter in the s...
In some lakes, large amounts of the potentially toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis overwinter in the s...
A population of buoyant colonies of Microcystis sp. dominated the phytoplankton of the small Vinkeve...
Cyanobacteria often cause harmful algal blooms and release toxic substances that can harm humans and...