The chemical bonding aspects of the transition state (TST) of methane activation on a Rh{111} surface are analyzed. Three methods are compared: The barrier decomposition analysis of Hu et al. in which the bond between CH is assumed completely broken in the TST (Satterfield, Heterogeneous catalysis in industrial practice, 2nd ed., 1996; Chorkendorff and Niemantsverdriet, Concepts of modern catalysis and kinetics, 2003; Somorjai, Introduction to surface chemistry and catalysis, 1994); the activation strain model of Bickelhaupt in which the CH bond is assumed to be equal to the gasphase CH interaction energy (Christmann, Surface science reports, 1988; Nørskov and Christensen, Science, 2006; Forsberg, Chemical engineering progress, 2005); and a...