The reliability of org. field-effect transistors is studied using both transport and scanning Kelvin probe microscopy measurements. A direct correlation between the current and potential of a p-type transistor is demonstrated. During gate bias stress, a decrease in current is obsd., that is correlated with the increased curvature of the potential profile. After gate bias stress, the potential changes consistently in all operating regimes: the potential profile gets more convex, in accordance with the simultaneously obsd. shift in threshold voltage. The changes of the potential are attributed to pos. immobile charges, which contribute to the potential, but not to the current
This paper deals with operational lifetime measurements of organic field-effect transistors. The org...
The width and shape of the density of states (DOS) are key parameters to describe the charge transpo...
The semiconductor of an organic field-effect transistor is stripped with adhesive tape, yielding an ...
The reliability of org. field-effect transistors is studied using both transport and scanning Kelvin...
The semiconductor of an organic field-effect transistor is stripped with adhesive tape, yielding an ...
Validation of models for charge transport in organic transistors is fundamentally important for thei...
Here we study the origin of the gate bias-stress effect in organic p-type transistors. Based on wate...
During prolonged application of a gate bias, organic field-effect transistors show an instability in...
Lateral organic field-effect transistors (OFETs), consisting of a polystyrene (PS) polymer gate mate...
Organic field-effect transistors exhibit operational instabilities involving a shift of the threshol...
Au cours de cette thèse, une technique de mesure du potentiel de surface par AFM (KPFM) a été dévelo...
This paper deals with operational lifetime measurements of organic field-effect transistors. The org...
The width and shape of the density of states (DOS) are key parameters to describe the charge transpo...
The semiconductor of an organic field-effect transistor is stripped with adhesive tape, yielding an ...
The reliability of org. field-effect transistors is studied using both transport and scanning Kelvin...
The semiconductor of an organic field-effect transistor is stripped with adhesive tape, yielding an ...
Validation of models for charge transport in organic transistors is fundamentally important for thei...
Here we study the origin of the gate bias-stress effect in organic p-type transistors. Based on wate...
During prolonged application of a gate bias, organic field-effect transistors show an instability in...
Lateral organic field-effect transistors (OFETs), consisting of a polystyrene (PS) polymer gate mate...
Organic field-effect transistors exhibit operational instabilities involving a shift of the threshol...
Au cours de cette thèse, une technique de mesure du potentiel de surface par AFM (KPFM) a été dévelo...
This paper deals with operational lifetime measurements of organic field-effect transistors. The org...
The width and shape of the density of states (DOS) are key parameters to describe the charge transpo...
The semiconductor of an organic field-effect transistor is stripped with adhesive tape, yielding an ...