In the Late to Latest Jomon, a unique Neolithic blade technique, named "the Suzuoke Blade Technique" appeared in the Kushu region. Many blades and tools produced by "the Suzuoke Blade Technique", that were produced mainly in the production (quarry) site on the Kosidake Mountain, one of a high quality obsidian sources in Northern Kyushu, were distributed all around the Kyushu Island. Therfore, searching and clearing production and distribution system of "the Suzuoke Blade Technique" lead to understand the social relationship between the regional groups in the Late to Latest Jomon. In order to clarify the system this paper discusses a change of technique, distribution and tool composition per the sites and through time, based on the scrutiniz...
The purpose of this study is to discover the "developmental view" and "view of early childhood educa...
Human beings (Homo sapience) use language, the concept of numbers, and the faculty of reasoning. In ...
The understanding of why was the violin is tuned from A pitch was studied. It waanoted that the unde...
Based on data derived from questionnaires on language anxiety and on speech experiences, this paper ...
During the last period of World War II, Taiwan who was under the colonial governance obeyed Japanese...
The purpose of the paper is to prove the China’s economic growth pattern and to analyze why the cons...
This paper discusses Taimei Town, which is located within the new industrial city of Shiranui, Ariak...
The objective of this paper is to clarify characteristics of negative polarity items (NPIs) in the M...
The following problems are discussed in the article. 1) One of the tragedies of modern society is th...
Now in Japan, many universities are troubled with the decline in quantity of entrance examinees. The...
The purpose of this study is to discover the "developmental view" and "view of early childhood educa...
Human beings (Homo sapience) use language, the concept of numbers, and the faculty of reasoning. In ...
The understanding of why was the violin is tuned from A pitch was studied. It waanoted that the unde...
Based on data derived from questionnaires on language anxiety and on speech experiences, this paper ...
During the last period of World War II, Taiwan who was under the colonial governance obeyed Japanese...
The purpose of the paper is to prove the China’s economic growth pattern and to analyze why the cons...
This paper discusses Taimei Town, which is located within the new industrial city of Shiranui, Ariak...
The objective of this paper is to clarify characteristics of negative polarity items (NPIs) in the M...
The following problems are discussed in the article. 1) One of the tragedies of modern society is th...
Now in Japan, many universities are troubled with the decline in quantity of entrance examinees. The...
The purpose of this study is to discover the "developmental view" and "view of early childhood educa...
Human beings (Homo sapience) use language, the concept of numbers, and the faculty of reasoning. In ...