In situ x-ray expts. are reported on a cryst. polymer, poly(4-methylpentene-1) (I) as a function of pressure (P) and temp. (T) carried out under isothermal and isobaric conditions. At room temp., when the cryst. tetragonal phase (Ct) of I is subjected to pressure, it passes through a range of mesomorphic phases leading to complete amorphization. The melting temp. (Tm) gradually increases with P up to 3Kb where the trend reverses on further increase in P leading to a decrease in Tm. This, combined with the pressure-induced amorphization at room temp. raises the possibility of reentrant of 2 widely sepd. regions of disordered phases (along the T axis) in the P-T phase diagram. This effect, namely a reentrant of disordered phases, i.e. disorde...