4076. Calendar of state papers and manuscripts relating to English affaires, existing in the archivs and collections of Venice and in other libraries of Northern Italy, édité par R. Brown, Londres, 1864, tome I, 1202-1509. In: Molinier Auguste. Les Sources de l'histoire de France - Des origines aux guerres d'Italie (1494). IV. Les Valois, 1328-1461. Paris : A. Picard et fils, 1904. p. 228
4082. Nuovi documenti sulla guerra e Vacquisto di Pisa (1404-1407), publiés par I. M. Bencini dans A...
4078. Chronicon Ariminense, dans L. A. Muratori, Rerum italicarum scriptores…, XV, 893. In: Molinier...
3454. Calendars of documents relating to Scotland, preserved in the Public Record office, Londres, 1...
4803. Brown (R.), Calendar of State Papers and manuscripts relating to English affairs, existing in ...
89. Calendar of State papers and manuscripts relating to English affairs, existing in the archives a...
Hauser Henri. Calendar of State Papers... Venice..., vol. XXXII, 1659-1661, publié par Allen B. Hind...
3056. Calendars of the patent rolls of the reign of Edward II, I, 1307-1313 ; II, 1313-1317. Londres...
496. Calendar of letters and papers, foreign and domestic, of the reign of Henri VIII. In: Hauser He...
2864. Calendars of the patent rolls of the reign of Edward I. 1272-1307, Londres, 1892 et suiv., 4 v...
3055. Calendars of the close rolls of the reign of Edward II. 1307-1327, Londres, 1892-1898, 4 vol. ...
4735. Calendar of the patent rolls, Londres, 1897, 1900 et 1901. In: Molinier Auguste. Les Sources d...
5456. Bergenroth (G.-A.), Calendar of letters, despatches and State papers relating to the negotiati...
2279. Calendars of entries in the papal Registers, illustrating the history of the Great Britain and...
498. Calendar of state papers, Colonial series, publ. par William Noel Saintsbury et John William Fo...
3447. Calendars of the close Rolls. — Edward III (1327-1341), Londres, 1896-1901, 5 vol. In: Molinie...
4082. Nuovi documenti sulla guerra e Vacquisto di Pisa (1404-1407), publiés par I. M. Bencini dans A...
4078. Chronicon Ariminense, dans L. A. Muratori, Rerum italicarum scriptores…, XV, 893. In: Molinier...
3454. Calendars of documents relating to Scotland, preserved in the Public Record office, Londres, 1...
4803. Brown (R.), Calendar of State Papers and manuscripts relating to English affairs, existing in ...
89. Calendar of State papers and manuscripts relating to English affairs, existing in the archives a...
Hauser Henri. Calendar of State Papers... Venice..., vol. XXXII, 1659-1661, publié par Allen B. Hind...
3056. Calendars of the patent rolls of the reign of Edward II, I, 1307-1313 ; II, 1313-1317. Londres...
496. Calendar of letters and papers, foreign and domestic, of the reign of Henri VIII. In: Hauser He...
2864. Calendars of the patent rolls of the reign of Edward I. 1272-1307, Londres, 1892 et suiv., 4 v...
3055. Calendars of the close rolls of the reign of Edward II. 1307-1327, Londres, 1892-1898, 4 vol. ...
4735. Calendar of the patent rolls, Londres, 1897, 1900 et 1901. In: Molinier Auguste. Les Sources d...
5456. Bergenroth (G.-A.), Calendar of letters, despatches and State papers relating to the negotiati...
2279. Calendars of entries in the papal Registers, illustrating the history of the Great Britain and...
498. Calendar of state papers, Colonial series, publ. par William Noel Saintsbury et John William Fo...
3447. Calendars of the close Rolls. — Edward III (1327-1341), Londres, 1896-1901, 5 vol. In: Molinie...
4082. Nuovi documenti sulla guerra e Vacquisto di Pisa (1404-1407), publiés par I. M. Bencini dans A...
4078. Chronicon Ariminense, dans L. A. Muratori, Rerum italicarum scriptores…, XV, 893. In: Molinier...
3454. Calendars of documents relating to Scotland, preserved in the Public Record office, Londres, 1...