Carineta gemella Boulard, 1986a Carineta gemella Boulard 1986a: 417. (Cano Wiraki, 460 m, Venezuela) REMARKS. This is one of a group of species in Bolivia including C. doxiptera, C. ensifera n. sp., C. gemella, C. hamata n. sp., C. socia, and C. viridicata that are similar in size and monochromatic coloration. It can be distinguished from C. socia and C. viridicata by the lack of bronzing of the distal fore wings and longitudinal lines within of the fore wing apical cells in these species. Both C. ensifera n. sp. and C. hamata n. sp., have light bronzing in the distal fore wings rather than the dark bronzing characteristic of C. doxiptera and C. gemella. It is most similar to C. doxiptera but can be distinguished reliably from C. doxi...