Genus Nosola Stål, 1866a Nosola Stål 1866a: 7. TYPE SPECIES. Nosola paradoxa Stål 1866b: 171. (Bolivia) REMARKS. The genus was erected in a key (Stål 1866b). The single species of the genus is unique in the shape of the fore wing with the strongly curved proximal costal margin. The characteristic fore wing shape makes the genus easy to identify. Stål (1866b) also mentioned the prominent, obtusely conical postclypeus as diagnostic in his key. The genus was recently transferred to the Fidicinini from the Taphurini of the Cicadettinae based on genetic and morphological evidence (Marshall et al. 2018). The only species of the genus has three tarsal segments so the genus is assigned to the Guyalnina here. DISTRIBUTION. The monotypic g...