Lawyers and the Right to Defence in the Soviet Union. The U.S.S.R. federal law governing the organization and operation of the Soviet bar was published on the 30th November 1979. This article briefly summarises the history of the Soviet bar from its creation in 1922 to the present day. It goes on to consider the legislation pertaining to the right to defence, and examines the application of this fundamental right, laid down in article 158 of the Constitution of the U.S.S.R. of 1977, in ordinary legal cases and in political cases.La loi fédérale de l'U.R.S.S. sur le barreau soviétique qui en réglemente l'organisation et les modalités de fonctionnement a été publiée le 30 novembre 1979. L'article retrace brièvement l'histoire du barreau so...
A Review of Soviet Legal Institutions: Doctrines and Social Functions. By Kazimierz Grzybowski
F.M. Roudinsky, La liberté de conscience en U.R.S.S. (en russe). In: Revue internationale de droit c...
Encyclopedia of Soviet Law (F.J.M. Feldbrugge éd.), 2 vol.. In: Revue internationale de droit compar...
Lawyers and the Right to Defence in the Soviet Union. The U.S.S.R. federal law governing the organi...
Cet article est consacré aux problèmes de l'évolution des droits civiques en URSS interprétés égale...
This article analyses the first soviet law on collective labour disputes and strikes and the practic...
Properly speaking, soviet law was neither ordinary law, nor the mere folding screen of an arbitrary ...
Government, Law and Courts in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, sous la direction de V. Gsovski e...
Strogovitch M.S. La protection des droits des citoyens en U.R.S.S.. In: Revue internationale de droi...
Gsovski, V. - Soviet Civil Law, Private rights and their background under the Soviet regime. In: Rev...
Socialist Legality and the Development of Concern with Law in the Soviet Union. The term "socialist...
D.D. BArry, G. Ginsburg, P.B. Maggs (sous la dir. de), Soviet Law after Stalin, vol. 2 et 3. In: Rev...
For centuries, jurisprudence has been built up and developed in terms of a more or less comparable b...
J.N. Hazard, I. Shapiro et P.B. Maggs, The Soviet Legal System. Contemporary Documentation and Histo...
Governmental Tort Liability in the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Roumania...
A Review of Soviet Legal Institutions: Doctrines and Social Functions. By Kazimierz Grzybowski
F.M. Roudinsky, La liberté de conscience en U.R.S.S. (en russe). In: Revue internationale de droit c...
Encyclopedia of Soviet Law (F.J.M. Feldbrugge éd.), 2 vol.. In: Revue internationale de droit compar...
Lawyers and the Right to Defence in the Soviet Union. The U.S.S.R. federal law governing the organi...
Cet article est consacré aux problèmes de l'évolution des droits civiques en URSS interprétés égale...
This article analyses the first soviet law on collective labour disputes and strikes and the practic...
Properly speaking, soviet law was neither ordinary law, nor the mere folding screen of an arbitrary ...
Government, Law and Courts in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, sous la direction de V. Gsovski e...
Strogovitch M.S. La protection des droits des citoyens en U.R.S.S.. In: Revue internationale de droi...
Gsovski, V. - Soviet Civil Law, Private rights and their background under the Soviet regime. In: Rev...
Socialist Legality and the Development of Concern with Law in the Soviet Union. The term "socialist...
D.D. BArry, G. Ginsburg, P.B. Maggs (sous la dir. de), Soviet Law after Stalin, vol. 2 et 3. In: Rev...
For centuries, jurisprudence has been built up and developed in terms of a more or less comparable b...
J.N. Hazard, I. Shapiro et P.B. Maggs, The Soviet Legal System. Contemporary Documentation and Histo...
Governmental Tort Liability in the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Roumania...
A Review of Soviet Legal Institutions: Doctrines and Social Functions. By Kazimierz Grzybowski
F.M. Roudinsky, La liberté de conscience en U.R.S.S. (en russe). In: Revue internationale de droit c...
Encyclopedia of Soviet Law (F.J.M. Feldbrugge éd.), 2 vol.. In: Revue internationale de droit compar...