Sainte-Catherine hospital and chapel. During seven centuries charitable institutions set up in Sainte-Catherine hospital and chapel rue Saint-Denis in Paris. From the beginning of the 15th century until the mid- 16th century the apothecaries and grocers' brotherhood celebrated mass in the chapel. At the French Revolution Valentin Hauy's young blind organization was established at this place. Finally Sainte-Catherine hospital was destroyed in the half of last century.L'hôpital et la chapelle Sainte-Catherine. Pendant 700 ans, l'hôpital et la chapelle Sainte-Catherine rue Saint-Denis à Paris ont abrité des institutions caritatives. Du début du XVe siècle jusqu'au milieu du XVIe siècle, la chapelle fut le siège de la confrérie des apothicair...
Inside conventual and parish churches, charities are often entitled to have a particular altar or a ...
Devaux Guy. L'apothicairerie de l'hôpital Saint-Jacques de Castelnaudary. In: Revue d'histoire de la...
There are many causes to the opening of a Protestant infirmary in Lyon in the mid-nineteenth century...
Montpellier is one of France’s most ‘medical’ cities and like many other French cities had a ‘genera...
Pascal Even, Une fondation hospitalière originale au XVIIIe siècle : les forestières de La Rochelle....
Leflon Jean. Jean Boussoulade. Moniales et hospitalières dans la tourmente révolutionnaire. Les comm...
Haute-Vienne First Aid Service to drowned people in XVIIIth. Ph.-N. Pia, an apothecary of the Paris ...
Maréchal Griet. Saint-Denis (Alain). L'Hôtel-Dieu de Laon 1150-1300. Institution hospitalière et soc...
History of Saint-Louis' hospital through his building's history. After few epidemics of pestis in th...
The residence at Avignon of the Holy See, during the fourteenth century, led to the creation of nume...
Gross Jean-Pierre. John Frangos, From Housing the Poor to Healing the Sick : the Changing Institutio...
Julien Pierre. Médecine et pharmacie, principalement hospitalières, dans les Vosges Santé et charité...
Julien Pierre. Histoire et état des établissements hospitaliers de Savoie,: Patrimoine hospitalier d...
Jegou Marie-Andrée. Les Ursulines du Faubourg Saint-Jacques à Paris (1607-1662). Genèse d'un monastè...
Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg (BNUS). Le diable apothicaire et Saint Macaire...
Inside conventual and parish churches, charities are often entitled to have a particular altar or a ...
Devaux Guy. L'apothicairerie de l'hôpital Saint-Jacques de Castelnaudary. In: Revue d'histoire de la...
There are many causes to the opening of a Protestant infirmary in Lyon in the mid-nineteenth century...
Montpellier is one of France’s most ‘medical’ cities and like many other French cities had a ‘genera...
Pascal Even, Une fondation hospitalière originale au XVIIIe siècle : les forestières de La Rochelle....
Leflon Jean. Jean Boussoulade. Moniales et hospitalières dans la tourmente révolutionnaire. Les comm...
Haute-Vienne First Aid Service to drowned people in XVIIIth. Ph.-N. Pia, an apothecary of the Paris ...
Maréchal Griet. Saint-Denis (Alain). L'Hôtel-Dieu de Laon 1150-1300. Institution hospitalière et soc...
History of Saint-Louis' hospital through his building's history. After few epidemics of pestis in th...
The residence at Avignon of the Holy See, during the fourteenth century, led to the creation of nume...
Gross Jean-Pierre. John Frangos, From Housing the Poor to Healing the Sick : the Changing Institutio...
Julien Pierre. Médecine et pharmacie, principalement hospitalières, dans les Vosges Santé et charité...
Julien Pierre. Histoire et état des établissements hospitaliers de Savoie,: Patrimoine hospitalier d...
Jegou Marie-Andrée. Les Ursulines du Faubourg Saint-Jacques à Paris (1607-1662). Genèse d'un monastè...
Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg (BNUS). Le diable apothicaire et Saint Macaire...
Inside conventual and parish churches, charities are often entitled to have a particular altar or a ...
Devaux Guy. L'apothicairerie de l'hôpital Saint-Jacques de Castelnaudary. In: Revue d'histoire de la...
There are many causes to the opening of a Protestant infirmary in Lyon in the mid-nineteenth century...