Tässä työssä tarkastelemme protonin hot spot rakenteen vaikutuksia korkeaenergisessä Kvanttiväridynamiikassa (QCD). Luonnollinen viitekehys tähän tarkasteluun on Värilasikondensaatti, joka on QCD:n efektiivinen teoria. Tarkastelemme useampaa suuretta, joita voidaan selittää protonin hot spot rakenteella. Keskitymme erityisesti siihen kuinka eksklusiivista vektorimesonituottoa voidaan käyttää hot spot rakenteen sisältävän protonin keskimääräisen ja fluktuoivan rakenteen tutkimiseen. Tarkastelemme myös kuinka protonin hot spot rakenne vaikuttaa energiatiheyskenttiin protoni-ydin törmäysten alkuhetkinä. Keskustelemme myös kuinka nämä energitiheyskentät kehittyvät ominaisajassa kuvaamalla niiden evoluutiota vapaiden kenttien avulla.In this work...
We study the photoproduction of vector mesons off proton and off nuclear targets. We work within the...
This thesis is focused on the initial stages of high-energy collisions in the saturation regime. We ...
Na sudarivačima RHIC i LHC se pri raspršenju teških iona postižu dovoljno visoke energije na kojima ...
We explore consequences of the existence of gluonic hot spots inside the proton for coherent and inc...
We calculate eccentricities in high energy proton-nucleus collisions, by calculating correlation fun...
Tämän työn tavoitteena on laskea kahdella tavalla puutason differentiaalisen vaikutusalan korkeaener...
Filling a gap in the current literature, this book is the first entirely dedicated to high energy QC...
I argue that the physics of the scattering of very high energy strongly interacting particles is con...
In this note, we discuss the problem of quark-antiquark pair production in the framework of the colo...
Dvočestične kutne korelacije u proton-proton (p+p) te proton-jezgra (p+A) sudarima na visokim energi...
In this thesis the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) framework, which describes quantum chromodynamics (...
Tato práce se věnuje popisu struktury hadronů a její závislosti na energii srážky. Studium struktury...
We discuss the empirical evidence for a universal Color Glass Condensate and outline prospects for f...
Abstract The change in the energy of the moving heavy (charm and bottom) quarks due to field fluctua...
In this thesis the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) framework, which describes quantum chromodynamics (Q...
We study the photoproduction of vector mesons off proton and off nuclear targets. We work within the...
This thesis is focused on the initial stages of high-energy collisions in the saturation regime. We ...
Na sudarivačima RHIC i LHC se pri raspršenju teških iona postižu dovoljno visoke energije na kojima ...
We explore consequences of the existence of gluonic hot spots inside the proton for coherent and inc...
We calculate eccentricities in high energy proton-nucleus collisions, by calculating correlation fun...
Tämän työn tavoitteena on laskea kahdella tavalla puutason differentiaalisen vaikutusalan korkeaener...
Filling a gap in the current literature, this book is the first entirely dedicated to high energy QC...
I argue that the physics of the scattering of very high energy strongly interacting particles is con...
In this note, we discuss the problem of quark-antiquark pair production in the framework of the colo...
Dvočestične kutne korelacije u proton-proton (p+p) te proton-jezgra (p+A) sudarima na visokim energi...
In this thesis the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) framework, which describes quantum chromodynamics (...
Tato práce se věnuje popisu struktury hadronů a její závislosti na energii srážky. Studium struktury...
We discuss the empirical evidence for a universal Color Glass Condensate and outline prospects for f...
Abstract The change in the energy of the moving heavy (charm and bottom) quarks due to field fluctua...
In this thesis the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) framework, which describes quantum chromodynamics (Q...
We study the photoproduction of vector mesons off proton and off nuclear targets. We work within the...
This thesis is focused on the initial stages of high-energy collisions in the saturation regime. We ...
Na sudarivačima RHIC i LHC se pri raspršenju teških iona postižu dovoljno visoke energije na kojima ...