L'anomenada tercera onada de transicions polítiques va obrir la via a una vibrant literatura sobre els processos de democratització. En contrast, avui en dia, el canvi polític està numèricament dominat pel procés invers d'autocratització, al que cada vegada més investigadors i investigadores dediquen esforços a comprendre. En aquesta tesi per compendi volem omplir un buit en la literatura integrant l'estudi dels processos de democratització i autocratització en transicions polítiques. Entenem les transicions com a processos oberts de canvi gradual des d'un règim autocràtic cap a un altre tipus de sistema polític, democràtic o no. L'objectiu de la tesis és analitzar els factors que determinen el caràcter autocràtic o democràtic de les transi...
This essay aims to examine how the democratization of Tunisia has taken place since the Arabic sprin...
Comment entre-t-on en politique pendant une révolution ? Changer les hommes permet-il pour autant de...
The Jasmin Revolution in Tunisia began at the end of 2010. Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire in p...
This thesis explores democratization in contemporary Tunisia through three hypotheses and their crit...
The aim of this paper is twofold. Firstly, there is an attempt to provide a detailed description of ...
This article compares institutional frameworks, political debates and legal solutions devoted to the...
Tunezja jako jedyne państwo obszaru Afryki Północnej i Bliskiego Wschodu obrała drogę transformacji ...
In the last fi ve years Tunisia has been presented mostly as a success story of political transition...
The evolutionary processes of the so called‘arab spring’ and its associatedpolitical tra...
According to The Economist Democracy Index, Tunisia was at 2.79 during 2010 and by the end of 2011 t...
The people in Tunisia demanded democracy and civil liberties, which led to large-scale demonstration...
"Since the fall of the autocrat Zine El Abidine Ben Ali on 14 January 2011, Tunisia is often describ...
The wave of protests that swept over Middle East and North Africa in 2011, known as Arab spring, has...
The aim of this dissertation is to provide an in-depth analysis of the electoral legislation reforms...
Temeljno pitanje na koje ovaj rad pokušava dati odgovor jest zašto je demokratska transformacija bil...
This essay aims to examine how the democratization of Tunisia has taken place since the Arabic sprin...
Comment entre-t-on en politique pendant une révolution ? Changer les hommes permet-il pour autant de...
The Jasmin Revolution in Tunisia began at the end of 2010. Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire in p...
This thesis explores democratization in contemporary Tunisia through three hypotheses and their crit...
The aim of this paper is twofold. Firstly, there is an attempt to provide a detailed description of ...
This article compares institutional frameworks, political debates and legal solutions devoted to the...
Tunezja jako jedyne państwo obszaru Afryki Północnej i Bliskiego Wschodu obrała drogę transformacji ...
In the last fi ve years Tunisia has been presented mostly as a success story of political transition...
The evolutionary processes of the so called‘arab spring’ and its associatedpolitical tra...
According to The Economist Democracy Index, Tunisia was at 2.79 during 2010 and by the end of 2011 t...
The people in Tunisia demanded democracy and civil liberties, which led to large-scale demonstration...
"Since the fall of the autocrat Zine El Abidine Ben Ali on 14 January 2011, Tunisia is often describ...
The wave of protests that swept over Middle East and North Africa in 2011, known as Arab spring, has...
The aim of this dissertation is to provide an in-depth analysis of the electoral legislation reforms...
Temeljno pitanje na koje ovaj rad pokušava dati odgovor jest zašto je demokratska transformacija bil...
This essay aims to examine how the democratization of Tunisia has taken place since the Arabic sprin...
Comment entre-t-on en politique pendant une révolution ? Changer les hommes permet-il pour autant de...
The Jasmin Revolution in Tunisia began at the end of 2010. Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire in p...