72 p.Most modern dynamical systems and filters in digital signal processing, telecommunications and control are implemented by digital electronics in terms of VLSI circuits. Pipelining processing can either increase the sampling speed or reduce the power consumption in VLSI implementation. While FIR digital filters can be pipelined at arbitrary levels by inserting latches, IIR digital filters are to be reformulated into a look-ahead filter form in the pipelining processing. For stability and convergence of the look-ahead filter, it is essential that the designed polynomial be stable. While many digital feedback controllers are unstable systems, there are no time-invariant approaches to design stable look-ahead systems for unstable IIR filte...
Look-ahead (LA) techniques can pipeline IIR digital filters to attain high sampling rate. In the lit...
Active filters today represent the crucial element in electronic devices, especially the ones that t...
Adaptive time-stepping based on linear digital control theory has several advantages: the algorithms...
72 p.Most modern dynamical systems and filters in digital signal processing, telecommunications and ...
97 p.This thesis is focused on two commonly used techniques, for achieving fast and efficient comput...
A linear look-ahead filter is a model of digital dynamical systems and infinite impulse response (II...
There are many techniques for designing discrete-time compensators. However, the digital implementat...
Early implementations of real-time digital feedback control schemes were almost exclusively in the...
Abstract--- This dissertation describes a design and analysis methodology for \Sigma\Delta bitstream...
This paper discusses a digital signal processing based on the nonlinear dynamic systems in parametri...
In engineering and mathematics, control theory deals with the behaviour of dynamical systems. The de...
This paper compares the stability and performance of several types of infinite impulse response digi...
Many of today’s Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools include Intellectual Property (IP) cores th...
Various alternatives are explored for converting the Moog four-pole Voltage Controlled Filter (VCF) ...
Digital IIR filters find wide applications in fields such as speech processing, image processing and...
Look-ahead (LA) techniques can pipeline IIR digital filters to attain high sampling rate. In the lit...
Active filters today represent the crucial element in electronic devices, especially the ones that t...
Adaptive time-stepping based on linear digital control theory has several advantages: the algorithms...
72 p.Most modern dynamical systems and filters in digital signal processing, telecommunications and ...
97 p.This thesis is focused on two commonly used techniques, for achieving fast and efficient comput...
A linear look-ahead filter is a model of digital dynamical systems and infinite impulse response (II...
There are many techniques for designing discrete-time compensators. However, the digital implementat...
Early implementations of real-time digital feedback control schemes were almost exclusively in the...
Abstract--- This dissertation describes a design and analysis methodology for \Sigma\Delta bitstream...
This paper discusses a digital signal processing based on the nonlinear dynamic systems in parametri...
In engineering and mathematics, control theory deals with the behaviour of dynamical systems. The de...
This paper compares the stability and performance of several types of infinite impulse response digi...
Many of today’s Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools include Intellectual Property (IP) cores th...
Various alternatives are explored for converting the Moog four-pole Voltage Controlled Filter (VCF) ...
Digital IIR filters find wide applications in fields such as speech processing, image processing and...
Look-ahead (LA) techniques can pipeline IIR digital filters to attain high sampling rate. In the lit...
Active filters today represent the crucial element in electronic devices, especially the ones that t...
Adaptive time-stepping based on linear digital control theory has several advantages: the algorithms...