Full Circle is an animated short film that presents the Moon and Earth’s relationship through a narrative medium. It journeys through a sleepless night, conquering the semi-conscious moonlit world and the retrospective nature of the night. The personal stories of twenty experts and enthusiasts in astronomical fields construct the narrative and its landscapes — coffee tables, paper planes, corridors, among other things. This anecdotal format seeks to present science through the eyes of humanity, prompting the audience to experience scientific information through the familiar mundanity of life. The humanistic vision of science acts as a launchpad for curiosity and allows the audience to access science through their own experiential libr...
Full Circle is a familiar concept to most adult learners. Through a series of developmental mileston...
Development of astronomy is based on well defined, watershed moments when an individual or a group o...
The Water Margin (TWM) is a Science Fiction short film that delves into the life of a young man name...
"Without love, how should there have been existence?" Computerised animation incorporating pictures...
This qualitative case study describes (a) the ways 3D visualization, coupled with other science and ...
―Three things cannot be long hidden: the Sun, the Moon, and the Truth.‖- BUDDHA You are on a ship fl...
Follow the journey of a single photon as it is produced in a distant star, before travelling across ...
International audienceThis work questions our relationship to time and cosmic phenomena that occur o...
Understanding the phases of the Moon is a perennial stumbling block in introductory astronomy classe...
“Gondwana” is a galaxy of the imagination created using astronomical visualisations from the Researc...
A Peek into the Lives of Stars is a Windows to the Universe Exploratour and provides information and...
Our animated short film, Lacuna, is a science fiction themed story of two robot pilots, a master and...
This is an artistic investigation into the implications for the imagination of certain counter-intui...
Mundus Subterraneus is an exhibition that explores a science-fiction myth narrative. The show consi...
This thesis explores the issue of world-horizon, as well as its essential role in the interaction an...
Full Circle is a familiar concept to most adult learners. Through a series of developmental mileston...
Development of astronomy is based on well defined, watershed moments when an individual or a group o...
The Water Margin (TWM) is a Science Fiction short film that delves into the life of a young man name...
"Without love, how should there have been existence?" Computerised animation incorporating pictures...
This qualitative case study describes (a) the ways 3D visualization, coupled with other science and ...
―Three things cannot be long hidden: the Sun, the Moon, and the Truth.‖- BUDDHA You are on a ship fl...
Follow the journey of a single photon as it is produced in a distant star, before travelling across ...
International audienceThis work questions our relationship to time and cosmic phenomena that occur o...
Understanding the phases of the Moon is a perennial stumbling block in introductory astronomy classe...
“Gondwana” is a galaxy of the imagination created using astronomical visualisations from the Researc...
A Peek into the Lives of Stars is a Windows to the Universe Exploratour and provides information and...
Our animated short film, Lacuna, is a science fiction themed story of two robot pilots, a master and...
This is an artistic investigation into the implications for the imagination of certain counter-intui...
Mundus Subterraneus is an exhibition that explores a science-fiction myth narrative. The show consi...
This thesis explores the issue of world-horizon, as well as its essential role in the interaction an...
Full Circle is a familiar concept to most adult learners. Through a series of developmental mileston...
Development of astronomy is based on well defined, watershed moments when an individual or a group o...
The Water Margin (TWM) is a Science Fiction short film that delves into the life of a young man name...