Away is a short animated film following a boy, who lives in a world that was destroyed by air pollution caused by mankind. This, however, is the underlying message of our project, as we tell the story of our protagonist who goes on an adventure to break out of his comfort zone in search for nature. This report will cover the making-of process for Away, from its pre-production, production, post-production stages, to the final publicity aspect. It also aims to discuss the challenges that we faced and how we overcome them during our one year exploration.Bachelor of Fine Art
7.18.25 the name of my team’s animated film, will be the subject of this Final Year Project Report. ...
Hide and Seek is a 2D animated short film about a young half human/half tiger girl, who is afraid of...
The Snail is a 2D-animated short film about a boy who lives in a post-apocalyptic world, who sees a ...
Away is a short animated film created by Adorabelle Tan Xiu Wen and Chuang Yu Hsin, graduating Digit...
This is a short 3D animated film directed and produced by two year 4 animation student in the school...
Bombs Away is a 3D animated short film produced by Junwei Tong, Kenneth Chen and Gabriel Yeong. It i...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
The Star Fishing Boy is an animated graduate thesis film that tells the story of a boy who lives in ...
Where Do All the Lost Things Go is a short animation film that explores a child's imagination where ...
Animation is an oft misunderstood form of art; many casual observers think it to be nothing more tha...
The Sky Painter is a 2D hand-drawn animated short about familial love, empathy and learning to look ...
The subject of this Final Year Project report will be a 2D animated short film, Treadmill. It tells ...
Our animated short film, Lacuna, is a science fiction themed story of two robot pilots, a master and...
My primary role is directing and the short film I wrote and directed is “Come Fly Away With Me”. The...
Good boy is a 3d animated short film about the loyalty between a man and his dog in a post-apocalypt...
7.18.25 the name of my team’s animated film, will be the subject of this Final Year Project Report. ...
Hide and Seek is a 2D animated short film about a young half human/half tiger girl, who is afraid of...
The Snail is a 2D-animated short film about a boy who lives in a post-apocalyptic world, who sees a ...
Away is a short animated film created by Adorabelle Tan Xiu Wen and Chuang Yu Hsin, graduating Digit...
This is a short 3D animated film directed and produced by two year 4 animation student in the school...
Bombs Away is a 3D animated short film produced by Junwei Tong, Kenneth Chen and Gabriel Yeong. It i...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
The Star Fishing Boy is an animated graduate thesis film that tells the story of a boy who lives in ...
Where Do All the Lost Things Go is a short animation film that explores a child's imagination where ...
Animation is an oft misunderstood form of art; many casual observers think it to be nothing more tha...
The Sky Painter is a 2D hand-drawn animated short about familial love, empathy and learning to look ...
The subject of this Final Year Project report will be a 2D animated short film, Treadmill. It tells ...
Our animated short film, Lacuna, is a science fiction themed story of two robot pilots, a master and...
My primary role is directing and the short film I wrote and directed is “Come Fly Away With Me”. The...
Good boy is a 3d animated short film about the loyalty between a man and his dog in a post-apocalypt...
7.18.25 the name of my team’s animated film, will be the subject of this Final Year Project Report. ...
Hide and Seek is a 2D animated short film about a young half human/half tiger girl, who is afraid of...
The Snail is a 2D-animated short film about a boy who lives in a post-apocalyptic world, who sees a ...