Kaeru is a 2D animated short film that follows a young Japanese woman's pursuit in finding freedom. This report documents the process and development of Kaeru, which spanned over the course of 3 semesters. It covers multiple aspects including but not limited to story, visual development and production.Bachelor of Fine Arts in Media Ar
The item is a Final Year Project report that documents specifically, my work and contribution to the...
Away is a short animated film created by Adorabelle Tan Xiu Wen and Chuang Yu Hsin, graduating Digit...
This report will discuss the procedures, techniques and processes involved in creating a short 3-D c...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
This report is a summary on the development of the animated short movie “Gachapon Girl”. The report ...
This is a short 3D animated film directed and produced by two year 4 animation student in the school...
The subject of this Final Year Project Report is 7.18.25, a short 2D animated film by my team (Jolen...
Ya’Aburnee is a Final Year Project from Digital Animation Major that is the subject of this report. ...
This presentation covers the creative research and process of making a 3-D animated short film. The ...
BAOZHA! is a hand-drawn, 2D animated, comedic short film that revolves around a guardian deity’s str...
Final year project report for the 2D animated short film 4:44. The film was done by Chin Yulin and N...
Animation is an oft misunderstood form of art; many casual observers think it to be nothing more tha...
This is a report on my Final Year Project, Sudocruise, a 2D animated short film. It is a slice of li...
The subject of this Final Year Project report will be a 2D animated short film, Treadmill. It tells ...
Our animated short film, Lacuna, is a science fiction themed story of two robot pilots, a master and...
The item is a Final Year Project report that documents specifically, my work and contribution to the...
Away is a short animated film created by Adorabelle Tan Xiu Wen and Chuang Yu Hsin, graduating Digit...
This report will discuss the procedures, techniques and processes involved in creating a short 3-D c...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
This report is a summary on the development of the animated short movie “Gachapon Girl”. The report ...
This is a short 3D animated film directed and produced by two year 4 animation student in the school...
The subject of this Final Year Project Report is 7.18.25, a short 2D animated film by my team (Jolen...
Ya’Aburnee is a Final Year Project from Digital Animation Major that is the subject of this report. ...
This presentation covers the creative research and process of making a 3-D animated short film. The ...
BAOZHA! is a hand-drawn, 2D animated, comedic short film that revolves around a guardian deity’s str...
Final year project report for the 2D animated short film 4:44. The film was done by Chin Yulin and N...
Animation is an oft misunderstood form of art; many casual observers think it to be nothing more tha...
This is a report on my Final Year Project, Sudocruise, a 2D animated short film. It is a slice of li...
The subject of this Final Year Project report will be a 2D animated short film, Treadmill. It tells ...
Our animated short film, Lacuna, is a science fiction themed story of two robot pilots, a master and...
The item is a Final Year Project report that documents specifically, my work and contribution to the...
Away is a short animated film created by Adorabelle Tan Xiu Wen and Chuang Yu Hsin, graduating Digit...
This report will discuss the procedures, techniques and processes involved in creating a short 3-D c...