“Three” is an interdisciplinary experiment documented in form of an animated short film. The project explores the connection between tradigital hand-drawn animation and performance art, challenges the conventional process of an animated film production and captures the spontaneous interpretation of the artist towards various issues of contemporary life. The experiment is approached based on a distinctive guideline designed with a set of key elements chosen and extracted from each of the sub-disciplines, for instance, an examination of time, space, the artist’s body, and the audience in performance art or the three stages (pre-production, production and post-production) of an animated film production. This methodological approach is served b...
[[abstract]]Abstract Among the modern artistic movements of the twentieth century, surrealism is ...
Creative project abstract: I am presenting a creative project of a short animation movie using the t...
This article presents the narration and description of training and pedagogical practices and dynami...
This presentation covers the creative research and process of making a 3-D animated short film. The ...
The primary objective of this creative project was to explore and analyze the centuries old techniqu...
“Conception” is a visual music 2D animation that aims to explore the innate and subconscious process...
This project investigated the possibilities for an interactive digital dance installation to convey ...
Stage is three minutes 2D/3D experimental animation. The whole story is about the growth of a person...
This report will discuss the procedures, techniques and processes involved in creating a short 3-D c...
Thesis analyzes the current international competition of animated films Anifilm 2015. The aim of thi...
“Life on Europa” is a short abstract experimental animated film which seeks to explore the potential...
This project was made to show how animation is not just a film but something that is able to invoke ...
This report is a documentation of the 3d-animated final year short film SYNDROME. It is an experimen...
“Affinity” is a one minute and thirty five seconds (excluding credits) experimental animation short....
Muso Soup is a short animation film, which combines hand drawing and 3D computer animation. The work...
[[abstract]]Abstract Among the modern artistic movements of the twentieth century, surrealism is ...
Creative project abstract: I am presenting a creative project of a short animation movie using the t...
This article presents the narration and description of training and pedagogical practices and dynami...
This presentation covers the creative research and process of making a 3-D animated short film. The ...
The primary objective of this creative project was to explore and analyze the centuries old techniqu...
“Conception” is a visual music 2D animation that aims to explore the innate and subconscious process...
This project investigated the possibilities for an interactive digital dance installation to convey ...
Stage is three minutes 2D/3D experimental animation. The whole story is about the growth of a person...
This report will discuss the procedures, techniques and processes involved in creating a short 3-D c...
Thesis analyzes the current international competition of animated films Anifilm 2015. The aim of thi...
“Life on Europa” is a short abstract experimental animated film which seeks to explore the potential...
This project was made to show how animation is not just a film but something that is able to invoke ...
This report is a documentation of the 3d-animated final year short film SYNDROME. It is an experimen...
“Affinity” is a one minute and thirty five seconds (excluding credits) experimental animation short....
Muso Soup is a short animation film, which combines hand drawing and 3D computer animation. The work...
[[abstract]]Abstract Among the modern artistic movements of the twentieth century, surrealism is ...
Creative project abstract: I am presenting a creative project of a short animation movie using the t...
This article presents the narration and description of training and pedagogical practices and dynami...