Prognosis of electric scooter with intermittent faults: dual degradation processes approach

  • Xiao, Chenyu
  • Yu, Ming
  • Wang, Hai
  • Zhang, Bin
  • Wang, Danwei
Publication date
January 2021
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology


Prognosis of failing components under intermittent faults is challenging since intermittent faults gradually deteriorate in duration and magnitude over time meanwhile show the stochasticity of fault appearance and disappearance. To address the problem, this paper proposes an intelligent prognosis method for intermittently faulty components in electric scooter based on dual degradation processes. Firstly, fault detection and isolation is used to identify discrete faults and isolate possible intermittent faults in continuous components, where the fault isolation performance under multiple faults condition is improved by developing an extended fault signature matrix. Secondly, the adaptive competitive swarm optimization is proposed to identify...

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