Double-diffused Metal Oxide Semiconductor (DMOS) transistors are widely used in silicon based High-Voltage (HV) and Radio Frequency (RF) integrated circuits. Conceptually, the device can be viewed as a series connection of conventional MOSFET and a lightly doped drift resistor. High voltage effects such as quasi-saturation and impact ionization can be seen on the IV characteristics of these devices but not easily captured with a simple sub-circuit. Thus an accurate, efficient and robust compact model for DMOS transistor is both essential and challenging. In order to reduce computational time and increase model robustness, we are using a novel approach to explicitly solve DMOS internal drain voltage and its terminal current. In the propose...
This paper presents a novel physics-based analytical compact model for the drift region of a high-vo...
In this thesis a circuit simulator model is developed, based on a detailed study of device physics o...
none11siThis chapter introduces integrated power devices and their reliability issues. The lateral d...
The paper presents a drain current model for double gate metal oxide semiconductor field effect tran...
Abstract—The surface-potential-based compact transistor model, MOS Model 20 (MM20), has been extende...
The surface-potential-based compact transistor model, MOS Model 20 (MM20), has been extended with a ...
Abstract—In this paper, a surface potential-based compact model is described for high-voltage LDMOS ...
This work reports on the analysis of high voltage lateral devices. Two different architectures, self...
In this paper, a numerical investigation on the behavior of a rugged LDMOS transistor operating in t...
Double-Gate (DG) MOSFET is a newly emerging device that can potentially further scale down CMOS tech...
[[abstract]]With the work reported in this manuscript we have essentially contributed to the electri...
In this dissertation, an above-threshold I-V model framework is constructed for short-channel double...
A simple analytical DC model has been developed for power DMOS transistors in a strong inversion. Th...
This paper presents an analytical threshold voltage and drain current model for pocket implanted DMG...
This paper reports on the impact and modeling of lateral doping gradient present in the intrinsic MO...
This paper presents a novel physics-based analytical compact model for the drift region of a high-vo...
In this thesis a circuit simulator model is developed, based on a detailed study of device physics o...
none11siThis chapter introduces integrated power devices and their reliability issues. The lateral d...
The paper presents a drain current model for double gate metal oxide semiconductor field effect tran...
Abstract—The surface-potential-based compact transistor model, MOS Model 20 (MM20), has been extende...
The surface-potential-based compact transistor model, MOS Model 20 (MM20), has been extended with a ...
Abstract—In this paper, a surface potential-based compact model is described for high-voltage LDMOS ...
This work reports on the analysis of high voltage lateral devices. Two different architectures, self...
In this paper, a numerical investigation on the behavior of a rugged LDMOS transistor operating in t...
Double-Gate (DG) MOSFET is a newly emerging device that can potentially further scale down CMOS tech...
[[abstract]]With the work reported in this manuscript we have essentially contributed to the electri...
In this dissertation, an above-threshold I-V model framework is constructed for short-channel double...
A simple analytical DC model has been developed for power DMOS transistors in a strong inversion. Th...
This paper presents an analytical threshold voltage and drain current model for pocket implanted DMG...
This paper reports on the impact and modeling of lateral doping gradient present in the intrinsic MO...
This paper presents a novel physics-based analytical compact model for the drift region of a high-vo...
In this thesis a circuit simulator model is developed, based on a detailed study of device physics o...
none11siThis chapter introduces integrated power devices and their reliability issues. The lateral d...