De Contenson Henri. Department of antiquities of Jordan. Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan I. In: Syria. Tome 60 fascicule 1-2, 1983. pp. 190-192
The Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine. In-4°, vol. I. In: Syria. Tome 13 fasci...
Chabot Jean-Baptiste. Syria. Publication of the Princeton University archeological Expeditions to Sy...
Tallon M. Jordan Department of Antiquities — American School of Oriental Research — École Biblique e...
De Contenson Henri. Department of antiquities of Jordan. Studies in the History and Archaeology of J...
Wright G.R.H. Syria LXIX, the Orientalist Handbook volume on ancient building in South Syria and Pal...
Amiet Pierre. The Australian Journal of Biblical Archaeology. Vol. II n° 2 (1973).. In: Syria. Tome ...
Dussaud René. The Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine. In: Syria. Tome 17 fascic...
Amiet Pierre. The Australian Journal of Biblical Archaeology , vol. 1, n° 3 (1970).. In: Syria. Tome...
De Contenson Henri. Daifallah Obeidat Die neolitische Keramik aus Abu Thawwab, Jordanien (Studies in...
De Contenson Henri. Préhistoire du Levant, Colloques internationaux du Centre National de la Recherc...
British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem. Bulletin, 1-2.. In: Syria. Tome 4 fascicule 2, 1923. p. ...
Margueron Jean. Notes d'archéologie et d'architecture orientales. In: Syria. Tome 60 fascicule 1-2, ...
Villeneuve François. M. Ibrahim (éd). Museum of Jordanian Heritage, Institute of Archaeology and Ant...
Wiet Gaston. Journal of Economic and Social History Of the Orient.. In: Syria. Tome 36 fascicule 1-2...
Tallon M. Jordan Department of Antiquities — École Biblique et Archéologique Française — Palestine A...
The Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine. In-4°, vol. I. In: Syria. Tome 13 fasci...
Chabot Jean-Baptiste. Syria. Publication of the Princeton University archeological Expeditions to Sy...
Tallon M. Jordan Department of Antiquities — American School of Oriental Research — École Biblique e...
De Contenson Henri. Department of antiquities of Jordan. Studies in the History and Archaeology of J...
Wright G.R.H. Syria LXIX, the Orientalist Handbook volume on ancient building in South Syria and Pal...
Amiet Pierre. The Australian Journal of Biblical Archaeology. Vol. II n° 2 (1973).. In: Syria. Tome ...
Dussaud René. The Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine. In: Syria. Tome 17 fascic...
Amiet Pierre. The Australian Journal of Biblical Archaeology , vol. 1, n° 3 (1970).. In: Syria. Tome...
De Contenson Henri. Daifallah Obeidat Die neolitische Keramik aus Abu Thawwab, Jordanien (Studies in...
De Contenson Henri. Préhistoire du Levant, Colloques internationaux du Centre National de la Recherc...
British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem. Bulletin, 1-2.. In: Syria. Tome 4 fascicule 2, 1923. p. ...
Margueron Jean. Notes d'archéologie et d'architecture orientales. In: Syria. Tome 60 fascicule 1-2, ...
Villeneuve François. M. Ibrahim (éd). Museum of Jordanian Heritage, Institute of Archaeology and Ant...
Wiet Gaston. Journal of Economic and Social History Of the Orient.. In: Syria. Tome 36 fascicule 1-2...
Tallon M. Jordan Department of Antiquities — École Biblique et Archéologique Française — Palestine A...
The Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine. In-4°, vol. I. In: Syria. Tome 13 fasci...
Chabot Jean-Baptiste. Syria. Publication of the Princeton University archeological Expeditions to Sy...
Tallon M. Jordan Department of Antiquities — American School of Oriental Research — École Biblique e...