In the Mosel valley, between Remiremont and Epinal (Vosges, France), a sedimentary complex called "moraine de Noirgueux" has been known for a long time; detailed mapping for the "Carte Géologique de France, 1/50 000, feuille Bruyères", enables us to distinguish different units in it : some end moraines and an outwash apron merging down in a glacio-fluvial valley train, forming today a terrace overhanging the river up this complex, lacustrine deposits are forming a terrace too. The terminal moraines, outwash apron and glacio-fluvial terrace are connected with the maximum of advance of the glacier in the Mosel valley, that is at the maximum of cold of this period and not, as explained before, during the retreat of the glacier. Only the lake a...