Mineralogical composition, paleopedological types and spatially distribution studies of Loire, Cher, Indre, Vienne and Creuse'alluvial deposits, in Touraine and bordering area, let to trace the way of primitive flows and reveal seven formations dated from Pliocene to Holocene. The present Vienne'outline was already settled during the Pliocene, while the "pré-Cher" and "pré-Indre - pré-Creuse" wandered on the surface of plateaux : these rivers were bound to the "redonian" sea. The Loire river flowed then away to the central Paris basin. Diversion of the Loire from Orleans to western country, individualization of Creuse and Indre and increasing incision in bed-rock arose during "redonian" regression (Tiglian ?). These events, and further acc...