Hugot Henri J. African Ecology and Human Evolution, de F. Clark Howell et François Bourlière. In: Annales de Géographie, t. 75, n°409, 1966. pp. 362-364
Carayon Jacques. Ecologie et régime alimentaire d'Hémiptères Hénicocéphalides africains. In: Bulleti...
Monod Théodore. Pollock, N.C. — Africa, Environment and Man in Africa. Saxon House, Farnborough et L...
Book synopsis: Humans evolved in the dynamic landscapes of Africa under conditions of pronounced cli...
Hugot Henri J. African Ecology and Human Evolution, de F. Clark Howell et François Bourlière. In: An...
Dorst Jean. Howell, F.C. et Bourlière, F. (Editeurs). — African Ecology and Human Evolution. Viking ...
Courgeau Daniel. African Ecology and Human Evolution. In: Population, 22ᵉ année, n°2, 1967. p. 350
Bourlière François. Owen, D.F. — Animal ecology in tropical Africa. Edinburgh and London, Oliver and...
Tricart Jean. Géographie physique de l'Afrique méridionale : M. J. A. Werger, Biogeography and ecolo...
Bourlière François. Owen, D..F — Animal Ecology in Tropical Africa. Second Edition. London and New Y...
Colleyn Jean-Paul. Anthropologie visuelle et études africaines. In: Cahiers d'études africaines, vol...
Monod Théodore. Owen, D.F. — Man’s Environmental Predicament. An Introduction to Human Ecology in Tr...
Kroon-voordacht gehouden voor de Stichting Nederlands Museum voor Anthropologie en Praehistorie te A...
Haudricourt André-Georges. J. Harlan, J. M. J. De Wet, A. B. L. Stemler, eds., Origins of African Pl...
During the second half of the twentieth century, the evidence that Africa was central to hominin evo...
Le Pape Marc. Lucas, Philippe, et Vatin, Jean-Claude. L'Algérie des anthropologues. In: Cahiers d'ét...
Carayon Jacques. Ecologie et régime alimentaire d'Hémiptères Hénicocéphalides africains. In: Bulleti...
Monod Théodore. Pollock, N.C. — Africa, Environment and Man in Africa. Saxon House, Farnborough et L...
Book synopsis: Humans evolved in the dynamic landscapes of Africa under conditions of pronounced cli...
Hugot Henri J. African Ecology and Human Evolution, de F. Clark Howell et François Bourlière. In: An...
Dorst Jean. Howell, F.C. et Bourlière, F. (Editeurs). — African Ecology and Human Evolution. Viking ...
Courgeau Daniel. African Ecology and Human Evolution. In: Population, 22ᵉ année, n°2, 1967. p. 350
Bourlière François. Owen, D.F. — Animal ecology in tropical Africa. Edinburgh and London, Oliver and...
Tricart Jean. Géographie physique de l'Afrique méridionale : M. J. A. Werger, Biogeography and ecolo...
Bourlière François. Owen, D..F — Animal Ecology in Tropical Africa. Second Edition. London and New Y...
Colleyn Jean-Paul. Anthropologie visuelle et études africaines. In: Cahiers d'études africaines, vol...
Monod Théodore. Owen, D.F. — Man’s Environmental Predicament. An Introduction to Human Ecology in Tr...
Kroon-voordacht gehouden voor de Stichting Nederlands Museum voor Anthropologie en Praehistorie te A...
Haudricourt André-Georges. J. Harlan, J. M. J. De Wet, A. B. L. Stemler, eds., Origins of African Pl...
During the second half of the twentieth century, the evidence that Africa was central to hominin evo...
Le Pape Marc. Lucas, Philippe, et Vatin, Jean-Claude. L'Algérie des anthropologues. In: Cahiers d'ét...
Carayon Jacques. Ecologie et régime alimentaire d'Hémiptères Hénicocéphalides africains. In: Bulleti...
Monod Théodore. Pollock, N.C. — Africa, Environment and Man in Africa. Saxon House, Farnborough et L...
Book synopsis: Humans evolved in the dynamic landscapes of Africa under conditions of pronounced cli...