Boston Hospitality Review: Summer 2015

  • Wilson, Susan
  • Fogarty, Allison
  • Hudson, Bradford
  • DeSimone, Rachel
  • Fazzini, Jovanna
  • Lanz, Leora
Publication date
May 2015
School of Hospitality Administration, Boston University


Boston, the Booth Brothers, and the Parker House by Susan Wilson -- Airports Hotels: Laying the Foundation for a Synergistic Relationship by Allison Fogarty -- The Pricing Effects of Heritage at an Iconic Hotel by Bradford Hudson -- The Customer is Always Right, Right? A Look at How Yelp Has Taken Hold of the Boston Restaurant Industry by Rachel DeSimone -- Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Financial & Competitive Advantages of an Effective Hotel SEM Strategy by Leora Lanz and Jovanna Fazzin

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