Active sensing, which incorporates closed-loop behavioral selection of information during sensory acquisition, is an important feature of many sensory modalities. We used the rodent whisker tactile system as a platform for studying the role cortical sensory areas play in coordinating active sensing motions. We examined head and whisker motions of freely moving mice performing a tactile search for a randomly located reward, and found that mice select from a diverse range of available active sensing strategies. In particular, mice selectively employed a strategy we term contact maintenance, where whisking is modulated to counteract head motion and sustain repeated contacts, but only when doing so is likely to be useful for obtaining reward. T...
Rats sweep their facial whiskers back and forth to generate tactile sensory information through cont...
Perceptual decisions involve distributed cortical activity. Does information flow sequentially from ...
Spatial attention is most often investigated in the visual modality through measurement of eye movem...
Tactile information is actively acquired and processed in the brain through concerted interactions b...
International audienceTactile information is actively acquired and processed in the brain through co...
The cerebral cortex is thought to generate sensory experience and facilitate broadly integrative pro...
Animals actively move their sensory organs in order to acquire sensory information. Some rodents, su...
International audienceThe ability of the mammalian central nervous system to constantly adapt motor ...
International audienceExpectancy is a major function of the nervous system that prepares the organis...
SummaryTactile information is actively acquired and processed in the brain through concerted interac...
Tactile sensory information from facial whiskers provides nocturnal tunnel-dwelling rodents, includi...
Mice actively explore their environment by rhythmically sweeping their whiskers. As a consequence, n...
Responding to a stimulus requires transforming an internal sensory representation into an internal m...
Organisms scan their sensors around their environment to build an internal representation of that en...
Cortical feed-back projections to primary sensory areas terminate most heavily in layer (L) 11,2, wh...
Rats sweep their facial whiskers back and forth to generate tactile sensory information through cont...
Perceptual decisions involve distributed cortical activity. Does information flow sequentially from ...
Spatial attention is most often investigated in the visual modality through measurement of eye movem...
Tactile information is actively acquired and processed in the brain through concerted interactions b...
International audienceTactile information is actively acquired and processed in the brain through co...
The cerebral cortex is thought to generate sensory experience and facilitate broadly integrative pro...
Animals actively move their sensory organs in order to acquire sensory information. Some rodents, su...
International audienceThe ability of the mammalian central nervous system to constantly adapt motor ...
International audienceExpectancy is a major function of the nervous system that prepares the organis...
SummaryTactile information is actively acquired and processed in the brain through concerted interac...
Tactile sensory information from facial whiskers provides nocturnal tunnel-dwelling rodents, includi...
Mice actively explore their environment by rhythmically sweeping their whiskers. As a consequence, n...
Responding to a stimulus requires transforming an internal sensory representation into an internal m...
Organisms scan their sensors around their environment to build an internal representation of that en...
Cortical feed-back projections to primary sensory areas terminate most heavily in layer (L) 11,2, wh...
Rats sweep their facial whiskers back and forth to generate tactile sensory information through cont...
Perceptual decisions involve distributed cortical activity. Does information flow sequentially from ...
Spatial attention is most often investigated in the visual modality through measurement of eye movem...