FROM REFORMS TO « COHABITATION » During his first term in office (1981-1988), F. Mitterrand, the French President, spoke a total of 68 times on radio and TV broadcasts. Three major thematic breaks are localized by observing the flow of new words. Thus four periods are defined. The first period is the « Reforms era » (1981-1983) followed by « the Time of effort and modernization » (1983- 1985). The struggle of « Majority against opposition » follows (19851986). The first term in office ends with the rivalry between « The President and the Prime minister » (1986-1988).DES REFORMES A LA COHABITATION Au cours de son premier septennat, F. Mitterrand est intervenu 68 fois à la radio ou à la télévision. Dans ce corpus, trois ruptures majeures app...