Quintus von Smyrna (vermutlich 3. Jh. n. Chr.), der Dichter der 'Posthomerica', verfügte über weit mehr Originalität und poetische Gestaltungskraft, als es die traditionell negativen Bewertungen des Epos annehmen lie�en. Dies beweist Georgios P. Tsomis in seinem philologischen Kommentar zum 7. Buch anhand detaillierter narratologischer Analysen und durch die Aufdeckung zahlreicher inter- und intratextueller Bezüge. Er nuanciert so das Bild des Epikers, das die Forschung erst seit Kurzem einer grundlegenden Revision zu unterziehen begonnen hat. Als gelehrtem Dichter gelang es Quintus, einen komplexen mythologischen Stoff gro�episch zu gestalten. Zentrales Thema des 7. Buches sind die Geschehnisse auf Skyros zur Abholung Neoptolemos' nach Tro...
This thesis is a study of Quintus Smyrnaeus’ Posthomerica, a Greek epic of the third century C.E. wr...
ARISTIDES. de Smyrna terræ motu obrutaARISTIDES. de Smyrnæ restaurationeARISTIDES. Ulyssis nomine ad...
textThe Posthomerica of Quintus Smyrnaeus has been consistently labeled as inherently 'bad' and unwo...
Quintus of Smyrna’s Posthomerica (3rd century C.E.) is of great literary value to the field of Greek...
Some untypical features of Quintus’ poem – such as the lack of a proem and the uncommon number of bo...
Quintus of Smyrna’s Posthomerica (3rd century C.E.) is of great literary value to the field of Greek...
Georgios T (somis )'s commentary on Book VII of the Posthomericas constitutes a significant, clear a...
Abstract.– Quintus of Smyrna, nostalgic of an heroic world, composed during the Roman Empire the uni...
The "Events after Homer", described by Quintus Smyrnaeus in the third century AD in his Greek epic P...
O modelo homérico está muito presente no poema épico Posthomerica de Quinto de Esmirna, e, por isso ...
The thesis has been written as part of the AHRC collaborative research project Greek Epic of the Rom...
Der Band zeigt die vielfältigen Themen griechischer Dichtung in der Spätantike. In den Werken des No...
Nebentitelbl. in Rot- u. Schwarzdr.Q. Curtius Rufus De Rebus Alexandri Magni Recte Tandem Captui Juv...
Jouan François. 163. Vian (Francis). Recherches sur les Posthomerica de Quintus de Smyrne (Collectio...
Nebentitelbl. in Rot- u. Schwarzdr.Q. Curtius Rufus De Rebus Alexandri Magni Recte Tandem Captui Juv...
This thesis is a study of Quintus Smyrnaeus’ Posthomerica, a Greek epic of the third century C.E. wr...
ARISTIDES. de Smyrna terræ motu obrutaARISTIDES. de Smyrnæ restaurationeARISTIDES. Ulyssis nomine ad...
textThe Posthomerica of Quintus Smyrnaeus has been consistently labeled as inherently 'bad' and unwo...
Quintus of Smyrna’s Posthomerica (3rd century C.E.) is of great literary value to the field of Greek...
Some untypical features of Quintus’ poem – such as the lack of a proem and the uncommon number of bo...
Quintus of Smyrna’s Posthomerica (3rd century C.E.) is of great literary value to the field of Greek...
Georgios T (somis )'s commentary on Book VII of the Posthomericas constitutes a significant, clear a...
Abstract.– Quintus of Smyrna, nostalgic of an heroic world, composed during the Roman Empire the uni...
The "Events after Homer", described by Quintus Smyrnaeus in the third century AD in his Greek epic P...
O modelo homérico está muito presente no poema épico Posthomerica de Quinto de Esmirna, e, por isso ...
The thesis has been written as part of the AHRC collaborative research project Greek Epic of the Rom...
Der Band zeigt die vielfältigen Themen griechischer Dichtung in der Spätantike. In den Werken des No...
Nebentitelbl. in Rot- u. Schwarzdr.Q. Curtius Rufus De Rebus Alexandri Magni Recte Tandem Captui Juv...
Jouan François. 163. Vian (Francis). Recherches sur les Posthomerica de Quintus de Smyrne (Collectio...
Nebentitelbl. in Rot- u. Schwarzdr.Q. Curtius Rufus De Rebus Alexandri Magni Recte Tandem Captui Juv...
This thesis is a study of Quintus Smyrnaeus’ Posthomerica, a Greek epic of the third century C.E. wr...
ARISTIDES. de Smyrna terræ motu obrutaARISTIDES. de Smyrnæ restaurationeARISTIDES. Ulyssis nomine ad...
textThe Posthomerica of Quintus Smyrnaeus has been consistently labeled as inherently 'bad' and unwo...