Blum Alain. Michael Ryan — Doctors and the state in the Soviet Union. In: Population, 45ᵉ année, n°6, 1990. pp. 1111-1112
Health capital in Russia is in steep decline. Today the Russian population is decreasing by more th...
Chesnais Jean-Claude. Feshbach M. — Environmental and health Atlas of Russia. In: Population, 51ᵉ an...
Péron Yves. Scott James L. — Projections of the Population of the Communist Countries of Eastern Eur...
M. J. Leasure J. William et Lewis Albert A — Population Changes in Russia and the U.S.S.R.. In: Popu...
Houdaille Jacques. Haub (Carl) — Population change in the former Soviet Republics. In: Population, 5...
Vallin Jacques. Rosemarie Crisostomo — The demographic dilemma of the Soviet Union. In: Population, ...
De M. Inkeless Alex — Social Change in Soviet Russia. In: Population, 26ᵉ année, n°2, 1971. p. 407
B M-M. Madison Bernice Q. — Social Welfare in the Soviet Union. In: Population, 25ᵉ année, n°3, 1970...
B H. Geiger H. Kent — The family in Soviet Russia. In: Population, 24ᵉ année, n°4, 1969. p. 809
N. A. David Henry P. — Family Planning and Abortion in the Socialist Countries of Central and Easter...
B H. Harris Chauncy D. — Cities of the Soviet Union. In: Population, 26ᵉ année, n°3, 1971. pp. 603-6...
Colloque organisé par Grégory Dufaud (CRHS) et Susan Solomon (Université de Toronto) The USSR was th...
B. C. Srb Vladimir — Uvod do demografie. In: Population, 22ᵉ année, n°4, 1967. p. 761
Blum Alain. L. Jones and F.W. Grupp — Modernization value change and fertility in the Soviet Union. ...
Henry Louis. La population de l'Union Soviétique (d'après : The population of the Soviet Union. Hist...
Health capital in Russia is in steep decline. Today the Russian population is decreasing by more th...
Chesnais Jean-Claude. Feshbach M. — Environmental and health Atlas of Russia. In: Population, 51ᵉ an...
Péron Yves. Scott James L. — Projections of the Population of the Communist Countries of Eastern Eur...
M. J. Leasure J. William et Lewis Albert A — Population Changes in Russia and the U.S.S.R.. In: Popu...
Houdaille Jacques. Haub (Carl) — Population change in the former Soviet Republics. In: Population, 5...
Vallin Jacques. Rosemarie Crisostomo — The demographic dilemma of the Soviet Union. In: Population, ...
De M. Inkeless Alex — Social Change in Soviet Russia. In: Population, 26ᵉ année, n°2, 1971. p. 407
B M-M. Madison Bernice Q. — Social Welfare in the Soviet Union. In: Population, 25ᵉ année, n°3, 1970...
B H. Geiger H. Kent — The family in Soviet Russia. In: Population, 24ᵉ année, n°4, 1969. p. 809
N. A. David Henry P. — Family Planning and Abortion in the Socialist Countries of Central and Easter...
B H. Harris Chauncy D. — Cities of the Soviet Union. In: Population, 26ᵉ année, n°3, 1971. pp. 603-6...
Colloque organisé par Grégory Dufaud (CRHS) et Susan Solomon (Université de Toronto) The USSR was th...
B. C. Srb Vladimir — Uvod do demografie. In: Population, 22ᵉ année, n°4, 1967. p. 761
Blum Alain. L. Jones and F.W. Grupp — Modernization value change and fertility in the Soviet Union. ...
Henry Louis. La population de l'Union Soviétique (d'après : The population of the Soviet Union. Hist...
Health capital in Russia is in steep decline. Today the Russian population is decreasing by more th...
Chesnais Jean-Claude. Feshbach M. — Environmental and health Atlas of Russia. In: Population, 51ᵉ an...
Péron Yves. Scott James L. — Projections of the Population of the Communist Countries of Eastern Eur...