Duteil-Ogata Fabienne. Motomochi-Nakamura (Kyoko). Miraculous Stories from Japanese Buddhist Tradition. The Nihon Ryôiki of the Monk Kyôkai. In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions, n°104, 1998. pp. 157-158
Ishii Kōsei, Girard Frédéric. Murakami Shinkan et Oikawa Shinkai, Pāri bukkyō jiten [titre anglais :...
Lachaud François. Iyanaga Nobumi, Daikokuten hensō: Bukkyō shinwagaku I et Kannon henyōtan: Bukkyō s...
Ishii Kōsei, Girard Frédéric. Shin Ajia bukkyōshi [titre anglais : A New History of Buddhism in Asia...
Duteil-Ogata Fabienne. Motomochi-Nakamura (Kyoko). Miraculous Stories from Japanese Buddhist Traditi...
Nihon ryōiki is known as the earliest extant Buddhist anecdotal collection in Japan. Very little is ...
Ishii Kōsei, Girard Frédéric. Koida Tomoko, Hotoke to onna no Muromachi : Monogatari sōshi ron (Budd...
Iyanaga Nobumi. La « possession » des esprits animaux (tsukimono) au Japon et la mythologie bouddhiq...
Lautman Françoise. Kyburz (Josef A) Cultes et croyances au Japon. Kaida, une commune dans les montag...
The Okyosama (Teachings) record the words of a deity named Kompira, who, having possessed a peasant ...
The story of Mokuren (a disciple of Buddha called Mahāmaudgalyāyana in Sanskrit), who saved his moth...
Ishii Kōsei, Girard Frédéric. Dolce, Lucia et Matsumoto Ikuyo, éd., Girei no chikara : Chūsei shūkyō...
Ishii Kōsei, Girard Frédéric. Ogawara Masamichi, compilé par, Kinsei Nihon no bukkyōsha : Ajia taike...
Daisetsu Suzuki(1870-1966) effected a Western meditation (practice) and Zen Buddhism. On the other ...
A curious myth of the creation of Japan can be found in many medieval Japanese literary texts. When ...
Translation of a sixteenth-century Japanese version of the story of the Buddha\u27s disciple Mokuren...
Ishii Kōsei, Girard Frédéric. Murakami Shinkan et Oikawa Shinkai, Pāri bukkyō jiten [titre anglais :...
Lachaud François. Iyanaga Nobumi, Daikokuten hensō: Bukkyō shinwagaku I et Kannon henyōtan: Bukkyō s...
Ishii Kōsei, Girard Frédéric. Shin Ajia bukkyōshi [titre anglais : A New History of Buddhism in Asia...
Duteil-Ogata Fabienne. Motomochi-Nakamura (Kyoko). Miraculous Stories from Japanese Buddhist Traditi...
Nihon ryōiki is known as the earliest extant Buddhist anecdotal collection in Japan. Very little is ...
Ishii Kōsei, Girard Frédéric. Koida Tomoko, Hotoke to onna no Muromachi : Monogatari sōshi ron (Budd...
Iyanaga Nobumi. La « possession » des esprits animaux (tsukimono) au Japon et la mythologie bouddhiq...
Lautman Françoise. Kyburz (Josef A) Cultes et croyances au Japon. Kaida, une commune dans les montag...
The Okyosama (Teachings) record the words of a deity named Kompira, who, having possessed a peasant ...
The story of Mokuren (a disciple of Buddha called Mahāmaudgalyāyana in Sanskrit), who saved his moth...
Ishii Kōsei, Girard Frédéric. Dolce, Lucia et Matsumoto Ikuyo, éd., Girei no chikara : Chūsei shūkyō...
Ishii Kōsei, Girard Frédéric. Ogawara Masamichi, compilé par, Kinsei Nihon no bukkyōsha : Ajia taike...
Daisetsu Suzuki(1870-1966) effected a Western meditation (practice) and Zen Buddhism. On the other ...
A curious myth of the creation of Japan can be found in many medieval Japanese literary texts. When ...
Translation of a sixteenth-century Japanese version of the story of the Buddha\u27s disciple Mokuren...
Ishii Kōsei, Girard Frédéric. Murakami Shinkan et Oikawa Shinkai, Pāri bukkyō jiten [titre anglais :...
Lachaud François. Iyanaga Nobumi, Daikokuten hensō: Bukkyō shinwagaku I et Kannon henyōtan: Bukkyō s...
Ishii Kōsei, Girard Frédéric. Shin Ajia bukkyōshi [titre anglais : A New History of Buddhism in Asia...